
The mastermind where we comb through your business, keep what you love, and reimagine the rest.

Introducing The 9-Month High-Level Mastermind

Online business has shifted a bit in the last year or two. And while that can be a bit frustrating (I know, I know – it’s painful when something was working and now its taking more attention to figure out your next move than you had planned to give), BUT it can also be an invitation to reimagine and realign what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

Reimagine your business

Reimagine will be 9 months of you doing just this! Kind of like an audit but wayyyyyyy more fun. Maybe more like a makeover? Or home renovation! But with experts/guides on hand to lead you through every step.

Find the pieces that you LOVE

We will overturn every rock, find the parts and pieces of your business that you LOVE, imagine what the other pieces could look like, and make a specific plan to create your vision. This could be anything from some small shifts and strengthening your current process to a complete 180 overhaul.

Now is the perfect time to do this work.

This is a business mastermind. Reimagined.

You already know how to run a business. Yes, even if it isn’t working perfectly right now.

Over our nine months together we will spend each month focused on a very specific topic, reimagine what this part of your business would look like if you could paint the dream scenario, then make a plan to create it.

This won’t be a guru led, “you do what I say” type of space.

We start with YOUR vision. Then we use specific exercises to find a way to create it.

You want to run a business without working June or July and taking a big chunk of time off over the holidays – great, let’s create that!

You want to completely change your current program’s structure and make it a little more DIY, plus add some contract coaches to give you some breathing room? Amazing, let’s go!

Maybe you want to completely change your social media presence or shut down something you’ve been running for a while because it’s no longer in alignment with where you’re going – I’m all in!

Meet your coach, Lindsay 

Hey, I’m Lindsay Dotzlaf. I’m so happy you’re here

Perhaps you found me from the Mastering Coaching Skills podcast or you’ve been in The Coach Lab for a while just waiting for this more advanced offer (or maybe you’re brand new to my world! Hiiiii!) – however you found me, I’m thrilled you did.

I have been a coach since 2015 (side note, almost 10 years blows my MIND), and I have never felt more driven to help coaches create businesses that not only fill that drive to help the other humans, but are also fun to run.

This reimagining process has happened for me a couple times over in my business. Three times to be specific. Once when I went from being a general life coach to honing in on a niche helping coaches be excellent at what they do, once when I launched The Coach Lab and had to figure out how to run a business with hundreds of clients in one program, and once right now.

Over the last 6 months or so I have been reinventing my business, my brand, and myself as a coach – some you may have noticed if you’re paying attention, and some of it happening behind the scenes.

Over the years I have changed my niche, created a foundational skills program for coaches from scratch, launched a successful podcast that has become my main client funnel, surrounded myself with incredibly smart mentors and coaches, rebranded, reimagined, and most importantly – I have been on a journey to always have a business that is client centered and that I LOVE to run.

I have slowed down, intentionally made less money, reorganized, reimagined, revved up and gone all in – basically, if you can name it, I’ve done it.

And I can’t wait to help you do the same.

So, who is this offer for? (If you are a great fit, you will resonate with at least a couple of these statements)

What exactly will be covered? We will dedicate about a month to each of these topics:

Each month we will follow this basic structure:

2 Hour Call

Audit calls

We take the monthly topic and reimagine it – we identify the dream versus what it looks like now, and create a plan to get there, identifying any obstacles that will need solving, any decisions that need making, and what what you will implement now versus what you will plan for in the future

1 Hour

Identity call

We look at your identity and beliefs about yourself and reimagine them. We dream and coach around who you have to become in order to run your business exactly the way you imagine it. We dig up those new beliefs and start to practice them and solidify them into being.

1 Hour

Open coaching on topic

We will use this hour to coach around anything that has come up in week 1 and 2 around your new structure, strategy, or beliefs.

1 hour

Open business coaching

This is the week to get coaching on absolutely anything pressing in your business, on or off the monthly topic.


Coworking call

This will be an additional call each month (aka outside of regular call time) for the sole purpose of getting together and working, co-regulating, asking questions, getting feedback, and cheering each other on.

but that’s not all
You’ll also get access to these bonuses:

Guest Experts


On occasion we will also welcome a guest expert who will pop in with expert guidance, coaching, or strategy on the topic of the month

Live Portion


I love being with my clients in person. Period. So call this selfish, or call it the most amazing reason to get together and have a week focused solely on you, your business, and your dreams – we will gather for 4 days full of content creation, teaching, coaching, and FUN. A little over halfway through our time together we will gather and work on what we have been learning. The focus will specifically be content creation and consequat.


I don’t have a magic wand (although I PROMISE if I find one during out time together I will totally let you borrow it!), and I don’t do over the top “you will make zillions of dollars if you do it my way” promises, but here are some results that are totally possible for you inside of Reimagine:

get ready for this

And almost last but not least…let’s talk about community.

Remember earlier when I said I have been in business for almost 10 years?? I credit part of this to making sure I’m surrounded by friends, colleagues, and mentors that cheer me on and are always in my corner. You can expect this in any space I run, but especially in Reimagine. The group will stay small on purpose (10, up to possibly 15 max if everyone is a great fit), which will allow for plenty of opportunity for connection, while being small enough to make sure no one is overlooked. And the magic that is often overlooked about group spaces - not only do you have the group to root for you and lift you up, BUT when you do that for others, it can significantly decrease the amount of time you spend in your own head if/when those doomsday thoughts pop in. (Ask me how I know! Lol)


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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy”


What’s Included:

Total Value: $XXX

Regular Price: $XXX

Today’s Price: $XXX

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy”


it’s closing time

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What’s Included:

Total Value: $XXX

Regular Price: $XXX

Today’s Price: $XXX

Meet me in Miami!

This completely optional, but highly recommended live event is designed to compliment the work being done inside the ACICM certification. We will spend these days building community, creating connection, and exploring visibility. This days will be designed for you to figure out what being seen and heard as an expert in the coaching space looks like to YOU. We are going to dig into what you want that to look like and how you can create it for yourself, in and out of your coaching.

Dates: March 5-7, 2024 (with an optional excursion date of March 8 just for fun)
Location: Miami, Florida

A few important details:
**surprise guest experts can be expected
**you will provide your own transportation and lodging
**the daily event activities will take place at an incredible, cozy Miami Airbnb, with lots of outdoor space and a pool
**the optional March 8 will have an additional fee ($500 or less) and will most likely include water (think boat or beach)
**more details will be received after you join the certification

All with the ease of figuring out who you are as a coach, so you can help your clients with more authenticity than ever before. The Advanced Certification in Coaching Mastery 6-month program is designed for you to finally figure out what your signature coaching style is while having the support of other coaches doing the same along the way.

The Bottom Line Details


10K paid in full OR 

6 payments of $1750

Certification & Live Event

13K paid in full OR

6 payments of $2250

“being in a room with other people doing the same work has felt empowering, and inspiring, and vulnerable and scary.”


“Lindsay is really good at helping people come up with their process, acknowledging the talent that you already have.. ”


Become a True Coaching Expert + Design Your Unique Coaching Style

This is a 6 month experience that will transform your coaching. NOT by you learning to coach like me, but instead settling into who you are, owning your expertise, and bringing more of YOU to the table

And almost last but not least…let’s talk about community

Remember earlier when I said I have been in business for almost 10 years??I credit part of this to making sure I’m surrounded by friends, colleagues, and mentors that cheer me on and are always in my corner.You can expect this in any space I run, but especially in Reimagine.The group will stay small on purpose (10, up to possibly 15 max if everyone is a great fit), which will allow for plenty of opportunity for connection, while being small enough to make sure no one is overlooked.And the magic that is often overlooked about group spaces – not only do you have the group to root for you and lift you up, BUT when you do that for others, it can significantly decrease the amount of time you spend in your own head if/when those doomsday thoughts pop in. (Ask me how I know! Lol)

“Working with Lindsay’ has been the best thing I ever did for my clients results in progress and growth and success.”


“She’s allowed me to fully step into like a full version of myself and the impact that I really do want to make in the world.”


frequently asked questions

Are there any prerequisites/requirements to join this certification?

No, you can join with any coaching background or niche.  Although, we do recommend you have a minimum knowledge of foundational coaching skills and clients that you are working with to implement as you learn.  If you are a new coach and want to create a solid foundation before joining this advanced certification, please click here for information for The Coach Lab. 

Is this certification linked to any coaching schools or accreditations?

This is a certification through Lindsay Dotzlaf Coaching, and is a stand alone training.

Do I have to be making a certain amount of money as a coach to join?

No.  Since this space is full of coaches with varying backgrounds, we understand some will have their own thriving practices, while others may have more experience coaching in corporate spaces/other businesses, or may be adding coaching to an existing skillset/business.  All are welcome.

Do I have to have a specific coaching structure or business format to join?

Absolutely not. One of the best parts about this space is the diversity of coaches/ business structures/ backgrounds/ etc.