Lindsay Dotzlaf

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Mastering Coaching Skills with Lindsay Dotzlaf | How to Plan an Extended Leave from Your Coaching Business with Lindsey Mango

Ep #222: How to Plan an Extended Leave from Your Coaching Business with Lindsey Mango

Have you ever wondered how to take an extended leave from your coaching business, whether it’s for maternity leave, a sabbatical, or an extended vacation? In this episode, I talk with my good friend and fellow coach Lindsey Mango about how she has prepared for her upcoming maternity leave.

Lindsey shares her strategies for keeping her business running smoothly while she takes time off to welcome her second child. We explore the mindset shifts required to step away from your business without worry or guilt, and the importance of empowering your clients to get results even in your absence.

If you’ve been putting off taking extended time off because you weren’t sure how to make it work in your coaching business, this episode will give you tons of ideas and inspiration. Lindsey’s approach is both practical and expansive, and will help you see the possibilities for creating a coaching business that supports the life you want to live.

If there’s something you want to work on in 2025, I have just the thing for you. The Coach Project starts in February. It’s three months of you completing a project of your choice, with my help! Click here for all the details.

No coach can stand tall without a solid foundation. In The Coach Lab, you’ll learn the tools, skills, and techniques that will allow you to build that strong foundation so that your coaching can thrive… and your clients can, too. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why your thoughts about taking time off are the most important factor in the process.
  • How to create a baseline revenue plan to sustain your business while you’re away.
  • The power of getting creative and considering all possibilities when planning for a leave.
  • How to empower your clients to get results while you’re not actively coaching.
  • Why taking time off is an opportunity to be an example of what’s possible as a coach.
  • How to decide what marketing activities to maintain while you’re off, and what can wait.
  • The value of asking for help and collaborating with colleagues during a leave.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Full Episode Transcript:

Hey, this is Lindsay Dotzlaf and you are listening to Mastering Coaching Skills episode 222.

To really compete in the coaching industry, you have to be great at coaching. That’s why every week, I will be answering your questions, sharing my stories, and offering tips and advice so you can be the best at what you do. Let’s get to work.

Hi, I am so happy you’re here today. Today I have one more amazing conversation with a really great friend of mine, Lindsey Mango. She is one of my great friends, a colleague, an incredible coach. And today we’re going to talk about how she prepared for a recent maternity leave, although as this episode is coming out, she is currently returning back to work. So maybe we’ll do a check-in and see how it went. But she has so much goodness to share, so many great ideas for you if you are thinking about, you know, figuring out how to take a longer leave in your business, whether it’s maternity leave, sick leave, extended travel or vacation, or just needing time off, a sabbatical, any of those things could be applied to some of what Lindsey is going to share today. So let’s just dig in. Here she is.

Lindsay: Hello. I am so excited to have you here today. How about let’s start with introducing yourself. Introduce yourself, tell everybody who you are, what you do, and anything else you want to add to that.

Lindsey: Awesome. Hi. I’m so excited to be here. I am the other Lindsey. It’s Lindsey Mango. I am a life and business coach. I help people create lives and businesses where they truly have it all. And Lindsay is like one of my best friends.

Lindsay: Yes. It’s so fun. Just before we started recording, we were just talking forever and we’re like, okay, for real though, we should record this podcast, I guess. I love it. And you’re here for a very exciting special reason today. I mean, exciting for me just because I’m your friend and this is what we were kind of talking about before. But you are preparing to have a baby, a second baby, and so today we’re just going to talk about how you kind of prepare for that, how you set your business up to run so that you can take some time off. Just kind of explore that for people that are either in a similar situation or need to take extended time off for, you know, any other reason. Maybe health reasons, a long vacation, I don’t know, whatever reason someone would want to go to.

Lindsey: Trip to Italy.

Lindsay: That’s right. Yeah, for any reason that anyone would want or need to take more than a week or two off. So let’s just dig in. First of all, have you decided – we didn’t actually talk about any of this part before we started, which is funny. So I’m just going in blind here. I’m curious. Have you decided, like, do you have an exact amount of time that you’re taking off? And how did you decide how long that is?

Lindsey: Yeah, so I’m due September 4th. So originally, my last maternity leave, I did three months. And so this one, three months, puts me at like the first week of December, which is like holiday season. So I actually planned for four months off. So I technically start back January 1.

Lindsay: Amazing. Okay. And how did you decide? So this time you had more information going in, because you have already done this one time. How did you decide last time, three months? Was it just like, that’s what people do. Was it arbitrary or was there a reason?

Lindsey: I think kind of both. I think I like gathered that from other people. I think like for me I was just imagining just like you know maternity leaves in general when you have a normal job like I’m like six weeks definitely feels way too short. I feel like I gathered some information from like you and from friends about like how much time they felt like they needed and so I was kind of just like a guess but yeah I feel like I just kind of picked it and went with it.

Lindsay: Was there a second question in there? We’re going to have lots of pregnancy brain in this episode.

Lindsey: Perfect. We’re keeping it in.

Lindsay: It’s part of the brilliance. No, I think that was it. Just, I was just curious how you picked that amount of time.

Lindsey: Yeah, I think I was just, I gathered some information and then I just made a decision and went with it.

Lindsay: I think it ‘s interesting. I just want to add this in really quickly, as we’re talking about it, that I’ve coached clients through this in the past through different mostly maternity type leave or something like that or adoption and like taking time off after that. I’ve had several clients do that and I always say it’s so personal. Like I just don’t think that there’s like here’s the exact right time. I just want to give anyone permission that’s listening that not to hear that and think like, oh, okay. That’s like the standard. That’s how much time I should take off. You might want to take a year off. You might want to take a month off, two months off. Who knows? I just think it’s…

Lindsey: Totally.

Lindsay: I think it’s important to throw that in there.

Lindsey: I think that’s really important because I think I actually kind of had that going into this maternity leave. Like, I was like, oh, I’m going to do three months and I’m like, oh, I guess four makes sense. And as I’ve creeped closer to it, I’ve planned for that. But I also like had this moment where I was like, I love what I do. I was like, so I could totally see myself after two months like wanting to do some things and not making any of that a problem. Whereas before I definitely felt a little like I took three months. Like I have to take these three months rather than like maybe I feel like working after five weeks. Like that’s perfect. Or maybe I don’t.

Lindsay: I love that. Okay. So let’s just dig into any specific strategy that you had or have right now leading up to you having time off? And before we do that, let’s be clear about your team and how much help you have, because I think that’s important. I’ve heard people talk about this in the past where I know they’re making like lots and lots of money. I know. I’m like, they must have a team just knowing about hearing them talk about it on a podcast, knowing what their business is. And then they just kind of explain it like it’s just them, right?

Lindsey: Yeah. You can just let them do like, yeah. And you’re like, wait a minute. There’s like an.

Lindsay: An orchestra.

Lindsey: Right.

Lindsay: So I like to be, you know this about me and I’m sure you know this about my podcast, but I just love to have that level of transparency where this is not like, it’s just easy. Just take time off. So we are going to discuss who your team is and kind of how you have prepped for that. And then just for anybody listening, in case they’re like, well, I don’t have a team, so this doesn’t pertain to me, we’re also going to explore like what the difference would be maybe if you didn’t have a team or how you might think about it differently. So what’s your team look like right now?

Lindsey: So I have a business manager who’s kind of like runs everything. And then really, I mean, I don’t keep like a giant team. I would say I have podcasts, like team who we were talking about this before we got on, but like my podcasts I’m doing in seasons. So right now they’re not actually like working for me, but they will be come January again. And then I have a membership. So I hired a like assistant coach for the membership who works in there and supports them and she’ll be taking on a much bigger role when I’m gone. But other than that, I’m trying to think, I’m like, am I forgetting somebody? I feel like I keep it pretty lean. Like I don’t think I have – I mean, I like hire people for like small things, but there’s nobody that kind of is like consistent that we’re utilizing I think because we haven’t.

Lindsay: Like one-off jobs, like a website or something like that.

Lindsey: Yeah, or like, we do have a video person, but she just does when we’re doing the podcast. That’s like an ongoing thing, but yeah, that’s it.

Lindsay: Okay, so when you, I guess the first thing I want to explore is when you think about you being off for three months, four months, however long it ends up being, do you envision your business running, actually, before I ask this, maybe we need to do a setup of like, what does your business look like? How do you work with clients? What’s the setup of it? The next question will make more sense. Yeah.

Lindsey: So I have a membership that is ongoing and runs and is open all of the time. And then that’s a life coaching membership. And then I run business pods right now. But everything, because I had time to prepare most things other than the membership and right when the baby is supposed to come. I also do have like a small handful of one-on-one clients as well. And then, yeah, those are it. I might – I’m like in the process of creating some courses, but again, the main thing is like my life membership and then like a handful of one-on-one clients I would say.

Lindsay: Okay. And so what is your strategy for each of those different things when you’re gone? Will they just run as usual or some of them like ending before you take time off? How did you think about it?

Lindsey: Yeah, so like I said, the business pods are like mini masterminds kind of those end like right a couple weeks before the baby gets here. And then?

Lindsay: Which is coming up, by the way, I’m going to keep reminding you of that.

Lindsey: Yeah, I know. I’m like, that’s like a couple months away, right? No, we got like five weeks. Most so those end and then one-on-one clients, those end. except for maybe a couple. My strategy for those are actually. I think I might just have one who continues through. She like signed for a year and I mean, I don’t take on anyone that I don’t love working with. So I think I’m just gonna pick back up after six weeks, but we’re kind of playing it by ear and seeing how I feel and going from there. So yeah, we’re doing six weeks for that. And I’ll just have one, one-on-one call. I do last week of the month off every month anyway with my packages. And then the membership will run without me.

So I have that assistant coach who’s taking on a much bigger role. When I step out, she’ll support the community. She’ll run, we have like hot seat coaching calls. And then we also have a VIP group within the membership that does like business specific calls. And I have people who are coming in, peers. So Lindsey is gonna be one of them. My husband, Chris actually is gonna coach on some of them. And then I have like a whole lineup of coaches who have specific dates scheduled where they’re gonna come in and coach and support on Zoom calls. I think those are the main things that are running while I’m gone.

Lindsay: Yeah, love it. And I can’t wait, by the way, to coach in there. I’m very excited. I actually had a conflict and I’ve already moved it because. Yeah, of course I wanna do that. So, okay, so you have people coming in and how have you positioned it with your clients? Specifically, let’s start with, I guess, the membership since that’s like your main thing. Do they already know the plan? Do they like?

Lindsey: Yeah, so it’s funny. I think probably what helps is like, I don’t have, I’ve done a lot of work around the thoughts I have around stepping out. So like, I guess there’s not like a, okay, and then today we’re gonna like announce, here’s what’s happening. I mean, there’s of course some of those pieces in the mix, but as I’ve started preparing for it, I mean, people follow me online, they know a baby is coming, like I don’t hide that. So I think it’s just been something that I’ve kind of like weaved in and throughout the live calls, like touched on, talked about, and then we do have a process that once the baby actually comes, well, and we already hired the assistant coach, so she’s been introduced, so she’s starting to get tagged in there, so it just kind of has been a natural evolution, and I’ve dropped it in, and then just through things that I’m saying, and then there’s gonna be a post that goes up that says I’m not available, and just how to move forward with that process. But yeah, I feel like everybody knows, because I’ve just been talking about it the whole time.

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah, that bump is all over Instagram for sure. It’s so cute, I love it so much, you can’t miss it. And okay, so the main thing I heard you say, which I think is so important, so I want to reiterate it, is it starts with your thoughts and the way you’re thinking about it, which just has you approaching it with this like, of course, this is happening, my clients are gonna be really well taken care of, here’s how, and you’re just approaching it without, like, instead of thinking this is a problem that must be solved, it’s like, no, this is just, this is happening and my clients are gonna get exactly what they need while I’m gone.

Lindsey: Yes, 100%. I think that it’s really fascinating. I mean, we know this, but sometimes it goes kind of hidden. Like if you are afraid and you have all these thoughts, like you’re the reason, the only reason that they’re there or like all these things, it’s like you’re gonna talk about it less and then you are gonna surprise them and shock them and like they’re gonna have missed expectations because you didn’t tell them what was happening. So yeah, I think there’s like a couple of key components of that for me is like, well, I love what I do and I, I think this about everyone, but like, I think I’m amazing and special and all these things.

I also know that I believe my clients can get results with or without me there that like, they are responsible for that. I teach them how to think like that. I teach them how to show up and get what they came for no matter what. So I don’t have this like deep attachment that it like has to be me delivering and coaching, and I also always spend time, I mean, it didn’t really take any work this time, I did the first time around, but like selling myself on how this is like the best thing I could ever do for them, that having different perspectives, having different coaches, having just that ownership of like, you know, taking responsibility for the results while I’m not there, it’s like all helpful in their journey.

And then on top of that, I mean, one of my things is like being an example of what I teach people, which is that you can create a life where you have everything that you want. And so my thought is always that me stepping out is an example of that. And the right people will always see the way I behave and the way I do things as like, oh, this is permission that I can do that too.

Lindsay: Did you feel this way the first time? Like, were you as calm and clear about it, or was there more?

Lindsey: I think I was a little more nervous then. And my business was different to structure-wise, I will say. I was like running a mastermind and that was like very consistent and had a process and like all of this stuff and I had coaches coming in so, but I definitely felt more, I mean it was the first time I did it. So there was pieces of it where it was very systematic which made it very like. That was very easy, but I do think I had more thoughts and fears around, like I had a mastermind start when I was gone, so like half of it, I was not there at all, I had lots of fears about that, and then I just don’t think I was as connected to the idea of how it was valuable that I was gone, and it just took a little bit more self-coaching and work to get there.

Lindsay: I talk about this all the time, so I’m so glad that you said it, and I think it’s worth just pointing out again, And I’ll use an example that happened recently inside The Coach Lab. Someone posted about she just had a baby and she’s a new coach. And so she’s very much like, I want to, after a few weeks, like I want to figure out a way to sprinkle in some coaching and some clients, like not a full load, but just start taking this on.

And she was like, but what I realized is like a baby schedule is impossible and I don’t know what to do. And so, you know, there was some coaching happening on the page. And what I realized after, you know, one thing I asked her is, like, let’s just get creative. What are all the ways you could do it? Like, let’s just start listing every single possibility that you could think of to solve this, right? Or to, like, what the offer could be for your clients. And I came back later because I realized as she was kind of responding to some of my things that her thought was like, oh, this is like a….

Lindsey: Step down or like a….

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah, yeah. not as great as what my offer will be when I have time to, you know, take on full-time clients. And I just think it’s so important, like it just creates something so different when you approach it from how you’re talking about it versus, you know, oh, this is like a backup plan or like a whatever, however you would say it, right? Like a step down from my normal offer, the backup plan, the like plan for now to get me by while I’m in this situation. I just think you problem solve completely differently when you approach it from that angle.

Lindsey: Well, I mean, I think that’s such a great point. And I think it’s the same whether you’re having a baby or not or taking time off or not. That lack is always showing up. It’s going to show up in how much time you’re spending on marketing. Not that you won’t spend intentional time on those things, but just the energy of it is like I have to sell this or I have to show up this way to make up for something that’s it’s lacking rather than nothing’s lacking and then I just get to show up and create and do things from there.

Lindsay: Yeah. And to me it’s so noticeable when people are in that space and they’re talking about it from like, oh, I know this isn’t maybe what you want, right? It’s like over-explaining and then they keep pointing out the thing that’s like makes it not as good in their mind, right? It would be like if you were going into this constantly telling your clients like, okay, I know this is going to be like a rough four months, three months, whatever, instead of like, no, of course, you’re going to get everything that you came for. And this is just going to move forward as usual.

Lindsey: I even love thinking about it, like how I always like, look at it is, I think they’re gonna get better results while I’m gone. And I always like to approach it from like, how fun would it be for me to come back and you guys totally blew your own minds. And like, I’m mind blown. Like, I’m like, who is that girl? And like, what happened while I was gone? I love to like kind of set, like plant that seed and set that expectation because I’m like, they don’t need me. I mean, I’m great, but like, they don’t need me.

Lindsay: Yeah, that’s such a good way to think about it. Okay. And have you had any, and we can always edit this out if you don’t want to answer it. I’m just curious. Have you had any like pushback? Do you, either last time or this time, like anyone that’s like, I hate this plan. I don’t want to do it and don’t name names, obviously.

Lindsey: Honestly, no. No. No, I don’t mind talking about that at all. I mean, I’ll have one minor event from like a previous one that I’ll share, but no, I think truly because of my thoughts and I think just in general because I hold this belief, again, whether I’m taking time or not off, that my clients get what they came for no matter what and like radical responsibility. I think because it’s who I am and how I see the world and how I show up, I think I generally attract people who are always looking for the growth no matter what’s happening. Not that I’m aware of. I don’t think that there are a lot of issues. No one’s said anything. All they’re saying is like, oh, as we watch your bump grow, we’re just sad. We know you’re going to be gone, but not in like a, oh no, we need you or I need to cancel or anything like that.

Lindsay: They’re probably really excited for you too. Like I’m just guessing, I’m not in your membership, but I’m guessing because I know people who are, I have friends and colleagues and whatever who are and I just know the way they talk about you, I bet they’re like so excited to just watch it all as well.

Lindsey: Yeah. I think they are, thank you. And I think they also know, something that a lot of people share too is from my last like pregnancy and then having Eva, there was like a huge shift in me that happened. So I and a lot of people have told me they’re like, I don’t know what it was like, but you just changed so dramatically. And so I think people are also kind of excited for that part. They’re like, let’s go back and watch the popcorn. Like, what’s Lindsey gonna do?

Lindsay: What’s gonna happen this time?

Lindsey: No, I mean, no one’s brought up any issue last time I I had like one person from like years ago, like an old program and it was just kind of like an opportunity I felt like and I just like set a really strong boundary because there was no like wiggle room in how things were going and it was fine. Like it just ended and dissolved from there. So yeah.

Lindsay: Okay. I love it. And again, it sounds like a lot of it, which I am sure that this is true, comes back to the way you are thinking about it ahead of time and problem solving ahead of time with the thought like this is going to be better than ever, whatever, whatever that exact thought is.

Lindsey: Yeah. And I think it’s kind of what we were saying earlier too. It’s like even before all of that, it’s just the way I see clients and how I think about people and how like they create results. I think that just kind of like carries over into it.

Lindsay: Yeah. Okay. I think when I think about even, you know, if I’m out a week or something and I’m getting like a guest coach for my mastermind or, you know, whatever it is, you know, I coach so many clients through this who are like, kind of like, oh, no, what are my clients going to do without me? I’m like, that’s the worst thought you could have about your clients, your clients for sure. Like, if you don’t think your clients are self-sufficient, in general, you want to check that like what?

Lindsey: Oh, yeah, that’s draining you on the daily, like, because they’re in there in your back of your mind, like you’re thinking about them worrying about them thinking you have to do more, whatever. Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah, draining you and it’s just really not a great coach-client relationship, right? It’s like that tells me when I hear my clients say that that there’s a little bit of like them creating like this client couldn’t possibly move forward without me.

Lindsey: Yes. Which keeps them from even better results, like your clients, yeah.

Lindsay: So good. Okay. What about, how does it feel different than planning maybe like a week off or like a vacation or like what are the things that you’re thinking about or planning for that might be different than that?

Lindsey: Honestly, as you said that, I was like, ooh, like it just offered me kind of a realization because I think because it’s such a long period of time, I am much more intentional and like making decisions ahead of time and like planning and all of that, whereas I think sometimes like trips or when I have vacations or just taking like a shorter period of time off, I could do honestly a better job at like seeing it with that type of intentionality. Like Lindsay and I had this ongoing joke actually for a long time where I would literally, every launch, I don’t know, it was like, it had to be subconscious like thing, lesson that I was like there to learn. But every time I had a launch, I was like traveling. I was like on vacation or something. And she’s like, after like the 10th time, she’s like, I’m just gonna point out that every time you’re launching something, you are on a trip and it was like not ideal.

But yeah, so I just think I could probably be even more intentional because I think sometimes I’m like, oh, seven days, whatever. Like I don’t always think about that or plan super intentionally ahead for that. Whereas with this, I think because it’s such a long period of time and I truly am like, I’m not available. I do things differently. And what’s interesting though is doing this though sets me up because of how I have to start thinking about things, it will make my business even better when I come back because I’m going to have so much support and I just know through this growth and all the things I’ve had to intentionally create, I will have even more spaciousness in my business after this.

Lindsay: Yeah. Yeah. Anyone that’s listening that whether it’s for maternity leave or maybe you’re sick, you’re having surgery, right? Like anything that you have that’s coming up or that even if it has surprised you but it’s forcing you to plan ahead and think through some of this stuff, I’ll just comfort you and reiterate what Lindsey just said. Every time that’s happened for me, my business is always stronger on the other side. Like really forces me to sit with like, okay, what are all the things I want to happen while I’m out? So we’ve talked about kind of the how your membership will run, like how your offers are going to go. What about like your marketing, selling, will you be launching while you’re out, any of those?

Lindsey: Yeah, so last time was much more like we had very specific launch dates for things, and so there was a lot more like, I mean, I had 90 days of content like created ahead of time and emails and all of that, and this time is very different. Because one, I see my brand and like online and what I do as just like an extension of me. Like I see it as like a creative art. So I realized as we were prepping for this one that like I have full permission to not post a single thing if I want to. Like I’ve given myself permission and I also just know myself to know that being in this season of my life, like I’m gonna have stuff to say. And so I just have this kind of creative freedom for myself to, again, not do anything, but also just knowing that I will want to say things.

And so to me, who I’m being in the world sells my stuff regardless if there’s an intentional offer or plan or anything like that. So there’s that piece of it. And then, of course, we do have some actual systems and things in place. So for example, I do have a funnel that we run. It’s not run through ads right now, but I am preparing at least one reel a week that will just put people into that funnel that my business manager will post and that we have something kind of consistently running that and selling. Cause my membership’s just open all the time.

Lindsay: Okay, I was going to ask that.

Lindsey: Yeah, we also have, like we’ve looked ahead at like, you know, holidays or things like that and see if there’s anything like fun that I want to do around this time. I haven’t made any, Lindsay has to keep reminding me that the baby is coming soon. I haven’t made any final decisions on that, I guess what really serves me is I just don’t think it’s that complicated. These are just decisions. These decisions can take me literally 30 minutes and I can either make some stuff or someone like my business manager can make some stuff and that’s all it’s going to take.

So yeah, we’re not going to be launching anything. I do have some monthly reoccurring revenue because I have a membership and because I have a one-on-one client, for example. And then I look at it as like, we’re going to make money and we’re going to support clients. And any money we make like on top of that, I just kind of see as like icing on the cake and kind of fun. Like there’s no pressure around it. So I plan for it knowing that. And then I just have the like openness that we could create even more. I also am in the middle of I had this like inspired idea to create a course for moms and like how to have it all as a mom. And so I also am giving myself the creative freedom that while I’m in the season that I can just like offer this course and sell it like throughout. But again, all of that’s just kind of like icing on the cake. There’s no expectation around whether I do it or not.

Lindsay: Okay. So the way you set goals, I just want to be clear for people listening because they think that this might be really informative or important for them to consider. The way you’ve thought about it, it sounds like is you kind of have like a minimum and because you run a membership, so this might look different for people listening, but because you run a membership, I assume probably like monthly payments coming in?

Lindsey: Yeah.

Lindsay: Okay, so you kind of have like a baseline of like if I did nothing, this is what it would look like. This much money will come in.

Lindsey: Yep, and then I plan for that. And of course, we’ve talked about like, some people don’t have this amount of time to plan for it. I’m very grateful for that. And so I also plan my money for that. Like, I plan for knowing that this is what we’re expecting to come in during this time. I’m not going to be like going out and selling a bunch of stuff necessarily. And so I make sure as we lead up to that that we’re putting money away if the business or we need more to support it throughout that time.

Lindsay: Yeah. Okay. And last time, did you do that or did you have more? Because I know sometimes people are like, well, maybe they don’t have that structure or they don’t have payments coming in. So they’re like, well, what would that look like for me? But I also know some people are like, I can have a baby and continue to grow my…

Lindsey: Oh yeah, and I guess I do, like I have that thought. I think what’s helped me is like, I used to kind of be the opposite where I was always like thinking best case scenario. And I think while that’s very, very useful, I think I’ve also learned to look at it, from like, I don’t wanna say “worst case scenario,” but just like minimum. And then there’s no like, I mean, I’m changing the circumstance in a way, but there’s no pressure to create it rather than feeling like I have to. But yeah, I mean, I think you get to have whatever you want. I mean, I think that’s one of the beautiful parts about my maternity leave and how I think about it is like I get like a clear vision of like, if I could have everything that I want, what would it look like? Like planning for that, creating that, seeing who I have to become in order to create that. And then it just feels good to me to know we’ve got everything we need covered if I don’t feel like doing anything.

Lindsay: Yeah, so maybe the question for someone to ask themselves if they’re listening is like, one thing I would say about what you just said is like having that baseline, knowing what it is, knowing this is like, here’s the plan, anything above that is like amazing and extra and you know.

Lindsey: Yeah, totally.

Lindsay: So maybe the question that they would ask themselves is like, okay, well, what’s my baseline? Like, what’s the thing I know I can plan for? Maybe they already have that created now where maybe they have a membership where they have one-on-one clients with like payments coming in, or maybe they need to consider like, what’s the baseline I want going into, you know, assuming they have that luxury of planning, going into it, what’s the baseline I want to have and just like starting there.

Lindsey: Yes. 100%. Yeah. And then, yeah, I think a huge part of it is just being honest with yourself about what you want and then also being in the place of limitless possibility that you can have whatever you want. And then similar to you, it’s like getting to work to go, okay, this is possible. I always have the thought, I’m like, someone somewhere has done this. Like, it has to be possible. And then I come up with a million options of what that could look like. And then I decide from there what sounds fun and what I want to do to create it.

Lindsay: Yeah, what I kind of zoom in on or my attention comes to is when I hear someone talking about this and they go straight to like only the big possibility. And when I try to bring them back, which is amazing, right? Like what you just said, like for sure go there. But when I try to bring them back to like, okay, but let’s just like, you can’t predict every single thing that’s gonna happen. So let’s just decide like, what’s the minimum? What’s the baseline? Like, where are we starting? And if they get totally freaked out by that, by like coming back down, I’ve always know like, okay, there’s a little bit of coaching there. Like what’s going on under that, that you can’t hold both at the same time.

Lindsey: Totally. Oh, I feel like that used to be me very much. Where I was like, I might had like, she’s talking about me guys. No, I’m kidding. But like, I love to have my like heads kind of in the clouds and that is who I am now still. But I’m like, there are real numbers. And like, I just need to know for like my family, for my business, for the people that I pay, if I’m gonna make $0 the next four months if that’s what we know is happening, or the potential. I just need to know how to plan and prepare for that, too. To me, what I realized is that gives me so much more peace of mind and ability to create from an abundant place, rather than that’s really below the surface, if you’re not willing to look at that, is so much fear and feeling terrified that you can’t even address that potential scenario.

Lindsay: Yeah, and it creates kind of like a panic and urgency to like hit those big things versus like you could have a baby and just be super exhausted for a month and not care about any of it and just know like, okay, I have that. Baseline plan and we’re fine. We’re good to go. Like that’s I planned for this. Not that that’s going to happen to you.

Lindsey: Well, no, I think that I will say that that’s definitely been different on this time around is I think before I was a little bit more like and I had launches that were more typical and things that were a little bit more consistent in that way, but I definitely didn’t spend much time looking at the other side. And I think that’s also what I think about is like, this is a really important season to me. Like I think about this, I’m like, I get this season, what? Maybe this is my last time, maybe one more time in my life.

And so I also look at it from the lens of like, this is something I want to cherish and I do evaluate what are the things that could rob me? Like, of course I get to choose how I think about anything, but I’m like, what are things ahead of time that could rob me of that experience and like stressing and worrying about money or whatever my goals is one of them. So I’m going to come up with like how I want to handle that ahead of time rather than leaving it to maybe my baby sleeps like crap and now I have to deal with both of those things at the same time.

Lindsay: Yes. Plus your two-year-old.

Lindsey: Yes.

Lindsay: Thoreau mentioned those plans, sleeping plans, too, every once in a while.

Lindsey: Yes. She loves that. She likes to surprise us. We have great seasons and then surprises. So yeah.

Lindsay: Yes. Okay. So two things left I want to talk about. One, your husband is also an entrepreneur, also a coach. I’m curious how you’re thinking about that because to me, I think about that with you guys, I’m like, oh, that’s pluses and minuses. Like, so great that he gets like the flexible schedule, but also if it were me, that would create an extra, I think like, oh no, he’s also, like what are we planning with his business? And then also just kind of going through, if you were to like rewind, if you were having a baby years ago, how would you think about it? How would you plan differently if you didn’t have a team? So, which one do you wanna go with first?

Lindsey: Let’s start with Chris having a business as well. So I think, I mean, that’s been our reality for a long time. So I think that there’s like pieces of it where I don’t even like think about it much because I’m like, this is just how it is. We both have the like uncertainty and the like ebbs and flows of being business. owners. So that’s definitely almost been like I think a training ground for like maternity leave and all of that. I think the biggest thing that’s always helped me with that just in general is like Chris is successful and like does amazing, but I’ve always looked at it as like complete ownership of how I feel like financially and just supported and all of that.

And so I never like look at his business from the place of even though it does, but like relying on it to perform a certain way in order for me to feel a sense of security, I look at like any result I want to create is mine to create. And then like he also gets to do that on his side. And so I think because I feel that 100% ownership and responsibility and like plan and look at things that way, it kind of is like, I just don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, I guess. And same thing. It’s kind of the same mentality. It’s like everything he does is just bonus, like, for our family, even though that’s not how he sees it. So that always really, like, helps. Just, again, it’s just in how I think about it. I mean, and he plans to take a month or, like, three weeks off, so he will definitely be out there working. So there’s definitely perks because-

Lindsay: Be out there hittin’ that pavement.

Lindsey: Yes. Grinding out in the dirt, yes. Exactly. No, but I just, I don’t know, that’s kind of just how I’ve always thought about it. And I’ve always checked in with myself any time I start to, if I feel myself wanting to make him responsible and I check in, where am I not believing that I’m capable of creating whatever I want? I think that’s just helped me always. And then leading in a maternity leave, that definitely helps too.

Lindsay: Yeah, one thing I just want to point out because I think it might be important for anyone listening is when you say, I don’t know, I just don’t really think about it. I would challenge that and say, you probably do think about it. You’re just so used to, like that’s just your norm. That’s the structure you usually have. And so you probably do plan a little differently or like it’s a consideration somehow, not that you’re just like, oh, that’s not a thing, I don’t think about it.

Lindsey: Yeah, that’s a great way to say it. I know I wanna work out most days, so that’s just like a part of it. So it’s almost just like there. Yeah, it is, it’s something that I do think about, but it’s just, I just never, I don’t spend time thinking like, oh, if he had a job or like a consistent life, right? Like it would be different or whatever. I think it’s just like, yeah, it’s just a part of our life. So we plan for it.

Lindsay: You don’t do what I do. You don’t like ruminate on it and overthink about it and stress about it and then catch yourself and have to coach around it. Your thoughts come easier to you sometimes, I think. Around stuff like that, around just like, oh, this is just how it is and I’m gonna figure it out and whatever.

Lindsey: The acceptance, the not resisting reality, maybe?

Lindsay: Yeah, I like to resist a little bit and then like, oh, wait, I’m in charge here. Okay, get back on board. But yeah, just offering that just for anybody listening. It’s like, oh, she just makes it sound so easy. First, as your friend, I know that it’s not always easy.

Lindsey: True. I’m glad you pointed that out.

Lindsay: And so just to hear you say that, I just want to acknowledge. Like, I want to give you more credit maybe than what you’re giving yourself.

Lindsey: Well, thank you.

Lindsay: Because I do think it’s probably more intentional than you are portraying in this second because it feels so natural to you, not because you’re like trying to not.

Lindsey: Yes, well, I think it’s kind of like become more and more a part of it. Like again, like the working out example, it’s like, yeah, there are very much lots of intentional thoughts, but at this point, a lot of them are now automatic that I created about doing that or whatever.

Lindsay: Right, yep, okay. You’ve put a lot of work into it. It just might look a little different then.

Lindsey: Now it looks easy, but that’s it.

Lindsay: It’s just important to acknowledge that because you are a genius and amazing and I love the way you think about things. So it’s always fun to just hear that. Okay, so we didn’t really prep for this. So this is just like exploring any ideas you have, any thoughts you would have around it. But if you rewound your business, now you don’t have a team, you’re maybe a newer coach, maybe taking on one-on-one clients, like just in that newer phase of business, which a lot of the listeners probably are, and they might be thinking, yeah, this is all great. Like the structure of your business and the, you know, whatever. Like the things that are just like, oh, you’re making it sound so easy, but my situation is different. How would you think about it then? Like how would you think about it differently maybe than you are now? How would you maybe plan differently for it?

Lindsey: Yeah. So I think in many ways I would still think about it. I mean, I have a client who adopted a baby who like came in like seven days. So definitely been lots of different scenarios like this. I think the biggest thing is like, first, I’m always going to go to limitless possibilities and say, like, if I could have it any way that I wanted it, what way would I want this to look? And so that always helps me for myself or just for anyone to get clear on where the desire is and what I really want it to look like.

And then we can talk about tactical things too, like strategically. But then I would then go, okay, what are all the possible ways of me creating that? So let’s just say you’re taking on one-on-one clients. Maybe it’s like, okay, one possible way is that, say I want to take three months off, is that I pause all of my one-on-one contracts and I don’t take on a single client for those three months. Or maybe I offer them, like I take six weeks, I see how I’m feeling and I offer them like voice message support for a certain amount of time and then we get back into one-on-one. So again, I would just go through and think about all, the thought I have that really served me that I’ve created is like, there always has to be a way. Now it might not always unfold the exact way that we imagine it, but I think that helps my mind just like think about all of the possibilities and then get even more creative. Did you happen to record calls with your clients and you could have them go through those for six weeks? Did you at some point, I mean maybe if you’re just starting, that might not be the case, but have some sort of six-part series video thing that you created that you ended up never selling or something like that? I think so often when we’re not available to creative solutions, we obviously don’t see them, you might have some sort of resource or something available that you have yet to offer them. Maybe even like something I’ve done and things like little mini things that I’ve sold is maybe just the self-coaching you’ve done for the last six months or a year is like super valuable and for like six weeks, you give them access to that and have them go through that and learn from that and then pick back up after that.

So I would just get super creative and eliminate, here’s the thing is the biggest issue is that most of us get stuck thinking like, well, we wanna evaluate that, but we’re like, is that good enough? Are they gonna like that? All of those things, and that really limits your ability to come up with solutions. So I’m always like assuming, let’s just say they loved anything I decided, they were supportive, they were on board, they wanted me to have what I wanted, and it would help them to grow the most, and then I’m gonna come up with all those ideas, and then just start to figure out like, what feels good, what makes sense, what do I really want to do? and get to work and actually implementing it.

One of my client who adopted a kid, like literally seven days notice, she was open to working like a little bit and then she gave all of her clients the option of starting back up in August, which was like three months. And like literally it unfolded perfectly. All of them wanted to do that. It ended up working out great. Like, and she had some fun ideas. She sold a couple of things while she was off. So I think it’s simpler, no matter where you are. It can be simpler than you think it is, especially when you don’t have all the junk in your mind.

Lindsay: Yeah. I always say like, okay, you might have the initial panic of like whatever it is. I don’t know how to figure this out, especially if it’s maybe not maternity leave, maybe not something you can plan super ahead for and it’s more of a last minute for some reason you have to take more time off. It’s like, okay, the panic might be there. And then I say exactly what you just said, which is like, what do you want? Like if it could be like perfect world, perfect scenario, what does that look like? Start there. It might not turn out like that, but let’s at least start there to just like get that out of your head. Because I think so many people try to solve it without that clarity. And that’s really hard. That’s confusing. That’s like, I don’t know where I’m going.

Lindsey: Well, and then you’re making a bunch of decisions around things that you don’t actually want. Like it’s like, if you, I’m just pulling your example.

Lindsay: You have to be like anchored, right? Anchored.

Lindsey: Yeah. I have these two flavors of ice cream and I don’t want either of them. It’s going to be really hard to like pick one.

Lindsay: But I have to eat one. Yeah.

Lindsey: Yeah. That would suck.

Lindsay: A couple more ideas. I’ll just throw them out there and you can add any if you have some. Just again, for anyone that’s listening and that’s like thinking through this for themselves. But one thought that I – because I’ve coached so many, at least a handful of clients through things like this actually, yes, maternity leave, but also more like things that have come up quickly where they have to solve covering something for two months. And I always say like, okay, well, let’s come up with all the amazing ideas and then maybe there’s like a hybrid that’s going to feel good to you for now.

And one thing I offer is like your friends and colleagues like want to help you. And even if you don’t, you’re like, you know, cause I hear like, well, I don’t really have the money to like pay someone to come in and like coach my clients. There are probably new coaches, people that just want practice, your friends who love you who will just step in and coach some clients for you, and if you think your clients aren’t going to be 100% like, you know, if they’re like, but it’s not you, like, that’s different. Maybe you add a call or two on to the end of your, right, like, just get creative. Let’s think of all the different… ways.

Lindsey: Yeah. I love that idea. I mean, I have while we’re paying an assistant coach, I’m not paying the people who are coming in to do the VIP and they all are like excited about it and want to do it and.

Lindsay: I’m not getting paid. That’s it. I’m out.

Lindsey: Okay. If you’re listening, we need somebody new for December.

Lindsay: No, I think that that’s just yeah. And I love to do it. Right. I said yes, immediately. I’ve actually coached, I coached some one-on-one clients for a client kind of recently where she was in a jam and I just was like, I can do some half-hour calls with some of your clients. And, you know, we just made it work and she asked some other people and next thing you know, it’s, you know, people like to help. Not everyone maybe, but that’s a thought I have is like people want to support you.

Lindsey: Well, I think, honestly, I feel like for most of us, we love coaching. So, and we love to impact people’s lives. So if we can, we will. Watch, we have 17 emails a week off of this.

Lindsay: Lindsey and I will not be coaching all of your clients while you’re out doing all the whatever you need to do, but I’m certain you have friends who could help you out.

Lindsey: Yes, that’s a great idea. Yeah, I totally forgot to mention that. I love that.

Lindsay: Anything else that we need to add in before we close that topic?

Lindsey: No, I don’t think so. I mean, other than I think that maybe there’s an idea that you have or that you haven’t even thought of yet that we haven’t even mentioned.

Lindsay: Yes, yeah, could be something we’ve never even considered.

Lindsey: Yeah, I just think that can be, I think you can look at it, again, once the initial panic, especially if it’s something last minute, you can look at it like a fun puzzle that there has to be a solution and you’re gonna find a million ways that the pieces can fit together. And I think that can feel fun and light if you let it.

Lindsay: Yep, and your clients are probably more understanding than you think they will be, especially, and this is always my policy, is when you’re just open and honest, right? When you are thinking about it from like, I’m gonna solve this in the best possible way for them, instead of being scared of it, approaching it with like, oh no, everyone’s gonna be mad at me, and then making decisions from that place.

And we did talk about the delivery, but also on the marketing side of that, my just one recommendation on that would just be to decide, like let’s say, you know, for whatever reason you’re going to be out and you don’t have time to prepare for it, like a month or two, something like that. I always just think like, okay, what’s just the baseline? If I could just do, you know, what are those things? Maybe it’s a one-weekly email, two-weekly posts. Can you throw those together in a couple of days or, you know, whatever.

Lindsey: Yes. Like I think that is the most like missed opportunity is we just always feel like we to recreate the wheel.

Lindsay: Are you talking to me right now?

Lindsey: I think you might be. No, I think I’m talking to myself, too, actually. I’m like, yeah, but I have better stuff now. But use old stuff. You could even edit it and make it better. There’s plenty of options.

Lindsay: Oh, sometimes I’m like, I’ve outgrown this. And my business manager is like, it was like four months ago. So I think, no, you haven’t. I’m like, right. Okay. Yes, you are correct. So yeah, I think just noticing all of those, all the things that come up, all the thoughts that come up and just addressing them and then making a plan. Anything else before we?

Lindsey: No, I think I was just gonna add to that is like, just remember, it’s like really the most important thing is about your thoughts behind it. So, and I think that’s the fun of it is like, reusing an email that maybe isn’t that good or as good as one you could write today. It’s like, this is gonna put your growth in hyperspeed if you’re willing to show up for it because if you could get your thoughts on board with it, like that’s going to determine your outcome more than anything.

Lindsay: So, yeah. One thing we’ve been talking a lot about recently in The Coach Lab is it’s never just your thoughts, right? This is something we hear coaches say sometimes like, oh, it’s just a thought or it’s just your thoughts. And I know you know this, but I just wanna point it out where it’s like, no, it’s the thoughts. Like, what are the thoughts you’re starting with? but how does that influence all of the solutions you’re coming up with, all of the plans that you’re making? So it’s like thoughts mixed with all the actions that you’re taking.

Lindsey: 100%, yes.

Lindsay: To create the best results you can. For yourself and your clients.

Lindsey: Yes, so good.

Lindsay: Anything else?

Lindsey: No, I think that’s it. Thanks for having me on.

Lindsay: Yeah, amazing. Congratulations on your baby. I cannot wait to meet him.

Lindsey: Thank you.

Lindsay: Are you glad to see him?

Lindsey: Yeah, everybody knows, yeah.

Lindsay: Okay, I thought so, but I was like, oh, am I allowed? We can always take it out. We can’t wait to meet him. So happy for you. Can’t wait to see who you become as a mom of two kids. You’re just watching me suffer through some days. Not really, just kidding. I love my kids. And my younger daughter and Lindsey are like the same person, so sometimes I feel like I just live with you.

Lindsey: I could be good and bad.

Lindsay: Exactly. Okay, well, I love you. Thank you so much. If anyone wants to find you, find your membership, any of that, tell them all the details.

Lindsey: Awesome. I’m on Instagram @LindseyMango_. That is like my favorite place to hang out. And then my membership is And that is we coach on all areas of life, health, romance, purpose, money. So yeah, it’s a really fun place to be. Thanks for having me.

Lindsay: And anyone listening that doesn’t know Lindsey, just know she’s not quite sometimes people call me elusive on social media. And you are not like that. You are amazing on social media and so fun to follow and you can tell you just like love it. You love it more than I do.

Lindsey: You’re a mystery a little bit, but it’s good. It works for you. You’re going to know what I ate for breakfast, that’s all that will say.

Lindsay: That’s right. And you’re going to be like, why everything looks so beautiful all of the time. This is why I’m like, they’ll be like, what is Lindsay Dotzlaf doing? Is that what she’s eating? Okay. Thank you so much for being here. I just love you so much. And we will add all your information to the show notes as well if anybody wants to find you. And thank you again. Thanks for fitting this in before you take time off.

Lindsey: Thanks, Linz.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Mastering Coaching Skills. If you want to learn more about my work, come visit me at That’s Lindsay with an A, See you next week.

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Hi I’m Lindsay!

I am a master certified coach, with certifications through the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School.

I turn your good coaching into a confidently great coaching experience and let your brilliance shine.

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