Lindsay Dotzlaf

Transformational Goal Setting LIVE Masterclass – Save Your Seat Now for Feb 25th 

Mastering Coaching Skills with Lindsay Dotzlaf | Dealing with Overwhelm When Things Go Well

Ep #72: Dealing with Overwhelm When Things Go Well

As of recording this episode, applications for my brand-new program The Coach Lab have been open for 24 hours. And over this past day, something has come up for me that I felt sharing with all of you would be super valuable, especially while I’m still in the emotion of it. After I launched my new program, I had a truly surprising experience. However, it might be a little different than what you’re expecting.

Whenever I do something new in my business, I set myself a goal around it. Now, with this being my first lifetime membership program, I really didn’t know what to expect. I had no past evidence, but I set a goal anyway, and what happened next blew my mind.

Tune in this week to discover everything that was going on for me around the launch of my new program. There was a lot of excitement and gratitude, but also a bucketload of overwhelm and anxiety as my brain searched for everything that could potentially go wrong, and I’m showing you how I worked through all of it.

If you want to hone in on your personal coaching style and what makes you unique, The Coach Lab is for you! Applications are open and we’ve already got an amazing community in there to support you. We’re providing weekly live coaching, monthly workshops, and it’s lifetime access. What’s not to love? 

I am so excited to hear what you all think about the podcast – if you have any feedback, please let me know! You can leave me a rating and review in Apple Podcasts, which helps me create an excellent show and helps other coaches find it, too.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How I set my goals around launching The Coach Lab.
  • The work I did to try to reach this dream goal I’d set for this launch.
  • Why your brain doesn’t just relax when you achieve your goals.
  • Where my thoughts were taking me after I saw how many people had joined The Coach Lab.
  • How I calmed myself and how you can help your clients when they’re stuck in overwhelm, despite things going well.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • Coaching Masters is an exclusive, intimate, and powerful Mastermind that will NEXT LEVEL your coaching skills. Learn more here and join us!
  • For even more resources on making your work as a coach and success for your clients easier, I’ve created a freebie just for you. All you have to do to get it is sign up to my email list at the bottom of the home page!
  • Kartra

Full Episode Transcript:

Hello, this is Lindsay Dotzlaf and you are listening to Mastering Coaching Skills, episode 72.

To really compete in the coaching industry, you have to be great at coaching. That’s why every week, I will be answering your questions, sharing my stories, and offering tips and advice so you can be the best at what you do. Let’s get to work.

Hey, coach. So today I’m doing something a little bit different. I am actually recording this episode almost exactly 24 hours after I have launched The Coach Lab. Which so many of you have joined, and messaged me, and all of the things, it’s so fun.

And something has kind of come up for me and happened for me over the last 24 hours that I wanted to share with you. And I wanted to record it in real time because I think it will be very different for you to just hear me talk about it when I’m kind of in a little bit of the emotion and in the space, versus talking about it later, which I’m sure I will more. But, you know, kind of talking about it later, like intellectually.

So I am going to share the experience that I’ve had over the last 24 hours. But I’m also going to tell you, just kind of show you how interesting it is;. How different it might be than what you are envisioning, and what you can learn from it for yourself and for your clients.

So if you’re a regular listener, and if you’ve been listening the past few weeks, you know from the time I’m recording this, yesterday I launched my brand new program, The Coach Lab. And what happened when I launched it was shocking, actually, to me.

Maybe it shouldn’t have been and a lot of people, and my coaches, my mentors, my friends, my colleagues, and my clients are like, “No, you should not be surprised by this.” But I was surprised. So anytime you launch something new, or create something new, or sell something new in your coaching business, usually you have a goal, right?

So every time, you know, when I launch a mastermind, I always have like, okay, this is how many spots I have available, this would be the max, this is the goal, and I just have a plan. For this program it was a little different because it’s a lifetime program and because there’s no cap on how many people I could take, I knew there wasn’t a maximum. And for the first two days, there was a special. A founding member special if you joined in the first two days.

So I just picked a number of like maybe what I thought would like blow my mind and be so fun for the first two days of the launch. So the number that I just picked, with really no experience, right? Like, I’ve never sold anything like this before so I really had no idea.

So I know I’ve talked about this in the past, but just remember anytime you’re setting a goal in a situation like that, we really are just kind of making up a number, right? You just don’t have a lot of past evidence to use in order to set the goal.

So the number I picked was 50. And I just thought that would really blow my mind, that would be incredible. And yeah, we’re just going to say 50. And then after I set the goal, I didn’t feel super attached to it because, again, I had no idea. Right? So I even asked myself like, okay, what would I do if two people sign up? And I kind of explored that a little bit and just explored what do I still get to believe about myself?

I love to do this, like after I set a goal but before I go to do the thing, to do the launch, to just really explore like, “Okay, what am I going to make it mean, if I sign two clients? What am I going to make it mean i I sign 10? What will I make it mean if I hit the goal, if I sign 50? What will I make it mean if I sign 100 clients into the program?

So that was kind of how I set the goal and how I came about it. Feeling really good about it. So it launches, I send out an email, I do like one post on Instagram. And there are 50 clients within about the first two hours of it being live.

So first, that blew my mind, right? And of course, I was excited, I feel so grateful. Anyone that is listening that has joined, I’m so beyond grateful. Like you have no idea, my mind is blown. I’m so excited for the work we’re going to do together, so excited. I just am so excited for all of it. But of course, that’s how I was feeling, right?

I just saw sales start coming in. I would get an email, I use Kartra for my emails and for the portal, like that’s where I host all the videos and everything. And so Kartra would send me an email every time someone by. So, of course, at first I was kind of paying attention. But then I actually had to hop on a coaching call and so then I just kind of wasn’t paying attention.

And I got off the call and I did something and then I checked my email and I saw that like 30 people had already bought. Okay, mind blown, right? Then I kind of went to do something else, checked a little bit later, it was like 40, and then 50.

And then by the time I went to bed, so I believe the email went out in the afternoon, by the time I went to bed there were about 75 people enrolled. So now, in this moment, about 24 hours later, there are close to over 100. I don’t even know, I didn’t check right before I recorded.

But I want to tell you something that has happened for me over the past 24 hours. So at first, of course, I was excited, right, just as you would expect. Probably if you’re listening and you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t.” If you’ve never done something like that before and if you’re like, “Oh, I’m sure that that’s so amazing.” It was, I was so excited.

And then all these other emotions started to come. And this is why I want to share this with you, because I think a lot of times when we see other people doing things that we’ve never done, that we’re like, “Oh my gosh, that would be amazing,” right? Like selling to that many clients, making that amount of money, whatever that is, right?

When you’re just watching other people do it and you’re just not in that space yet but you know you want to be and you watch someone else. And you think like, “I can’t imagine what that would feel like.” This is why I want to share it, because you think, I’m sure, that it will only feel amazing, right? That it will only be positive emotion, that you will be excited, you will celebrate, party in the streets, whatever, toast some champagne, buy a fancy purse. But like whatever, right? However you celebrate.

And there was some of that, but between moments of excitement and gratitude, and really I had gratitude pretty much the whole time. But between the higher emotions like excitement and just all the amazing things I was feeling, then I started to feel overwhelmed. And then I started to feel kind of scared. And then I’d go back to excited and then I’d go and then I’d be overwhelmed again.

And what started happening that was so interesting, is I had planned to spend the time in the launch, I had everything prepared, most of everything prepared ahead of time. I had all the emails written, all the posts, all the stories, all the everything was handled. The community was ready to welcome all the coaches in.

All the coaches start coming into the community as we’re letting them in, approving them. Everyone is posting, it’s the most amazing thing. This is still available, by the way. If you didn’t join last week and you are interested, definitely go to the show notes, there will be a link there.

So all of this was happening, my emotions were up and down. And here’s what I noticed, when I went into, you know, for the launch, like I said, everything was prepared. So I thought what I was going to be doing, like spending my time doing was troubleshooting. Was like, okay, what didn’t I say? What are people’s objections? I could write a post about that, I could write an email about this, right?

Just kind of troubleshooting if needed. And if not, then just kind of go on about my regular life, enjoying my work, just living my life, right, being normal. And instead my brain started, so because I didn’t need to problem solve for why haven’t I hit the goal or how am I going to hit the goal? Or just like troubleshooting to be sure that I hit the goal, I didn’t need to do that. I surpassed it, I blew it out of the water. I actually am very close to hitting my goal for this program for the entire year.

So that’s just like, cross that off, right? Like that goal, met. What happened was instead of just sitting in the certainty, and the excitement, and the positive emotion, and just all of that, my brain started looking, because our brains are so good at finding the problems, right? Like our brains love to troubleshoot.

So my brain just started troubleshooting. Which means it started finding, okay, well, since that’s not a problem, what is the problem? Let’s find it. So for example, it went to, oh no, you know, as I’m watching all these people come in so many of you are coaches that I’ve never even met before. Which you have no idea, that just like grows my heart a million times. I’m so excited to get to know you.

But as I am seeing all of you come in, my brain went to like, “Oh no, these coaches don’t know me. And what does that mean? That means there should be 50 videos, 50 modules that they can watch right away.” Like they need more content, more content. Which is funny, like right now when I launched it, I think there are maybe 12 to 15 videos, I have so many more coming.

I have some that are already filmed that are going to be added. I have some that I plan to film. I had a very clear plan coming in, I felt amazing about it. I knew exactly why I wanted to do it that way. And there are one or two that it’s like, okay, I need to edit this, get it in as soon as possible. But outside of that I had not planned on adding a bunch of videos.

So my brain is just going to like, “Oh no, okay, we need to add all of this, we need to do this.” And then I noticed it, right? And I was like, “Okay, no, come back. Why do I think I need to do that?” I did some self-coaching, I examined all the reasons that I just told you, all the thoughts I was having.

And then it was like, “Okay, come back, brain. We’re fine, we’re here, we’re just going to sit here, we’re just going to feel uncomfortable.” And then it started doing other things, right? It started like, “Oh no, did I set the community guidelines the way that I really want them set up from the beginning?” So it went to like the community and like the problems that are going to be in the community. Which, of course, right now there aren’t any. Everyone in there is incredible, and amazing, and all the things.

And then I noticed it and I brought it back. And the point of this isn’t to just tell you all of the dread that I started feeling, but just to show you that this is what brains do. And I want you to think about this for yourself and for your clients. The situation, the circumstances might be totally different. The thing, the goal, whatever it is you’re working on or trying to achieve.

Just notice any time things are working and your brain wants to really like squirm out of that, right? Like, “Okay, things are working, what’s going wrong? Where’s the problem? Let me find it. Let me create problems and anticipate them.” Not in a smart way, right? But in very much a, there has to be a problem here, let me find it way.

So that started happening and my kind of solution after I noticed, has been one of the most uncomfortable and exhausting practices that I’ve probably done in my coaching career. That might not be true, because I know I was exhausted a lot in the beginning. But at least for a long time, even today, even as I record this, I feel, just I am drained, I have no energy.

It has been because my brain just keeps pulling me into like, “Oh no, this thing. Oh no, this thing.” And then I come back and I go to the group, and I look at all the amazing things. And I comment on all the posts and see all the celebrations. And then I feel amazing again, right?

And every time I direct my attention back to you, back to the people who have joined the program, of course, all these positive emotions come back. And then when I don’t pay as much attention and I stop kind of being in charge of what’s happening in my brain and in my body, it just like naturally wants to pull me in the direction of let’s find the thing. So of course, as soon as I noticed that, I just was like, Okay, this is what we’re doing for the next, you know, through the weekend, probably.

Friday is when the promotion ends, so as you’re listening to this it’s already over, it was last Friday. And that is when kind of the initial launch period ends, although, as I said, the program is still for sale. But until then, and probably through the weekend I’m just going to sit with it and just notice all the places my mind goes.

And I want to offer, and I want you to really think about this for you, like when has this happened for you and for your clients, right? And how can you offer to allow them to when everything is going well, but their brain and body are still saying like something’s wrong, to just notice and to sit in it and be able to constantly direct your mind back to, “No, everything is just as it’s supposed to be.”

But I really want to offer also, how do you know? Because you might be listening thinking, “Yeah, but you could record a couple of those videos. You could write some more posts.” For those of you that follow me on Instagram, I don’t post a ton. So you might see that and think like, “Yeah, but you could do more. Like why not? What’s the problem?”

And it’s not a problem, that could be great. I’m sure my business manager would love it if I wrote 20 posts and got them all to her and had them done for the next month. I’m sure she would love it. She would love nothing more, actually.

The problem with it, and how I know that I don’t want to do that is by the feeling, like the emotion I’m having when I’m thinking about doing it. So if I’m writing posts, and filming videos, editing videos, while feeling dread about this terrible made up thing that’s about to happen, what will happen?

It will affect all the things. It will affect the videos, it will affect the posts, right? Like anything I’m doing from that place, if I’m feeling dread, if I’m feeling overwhelm, even if I’m just like, I’m so exhausted but I really just want to film some videos. It wouldn’t make sense, right? it would affect the quality of the videos.

Now, I did decide to record this podcast and I loved my reasons, like I said at the beginning of the episode. But the difference here is, this is one podcast I’m sharing with you from a very vulnerable place. I’m telling you, I feel very tired. That’s very different than creating content that’s going into a lifetime program of like a bunch of videos not at all about what I’m talking about right now.

So that’s how you know. That’s how you can tell and be on to yourself. And if you’ve never noticed this before, what probably will happen is, I know this about myself and so I’m on to it, but if you have never noticed that you do this, I want you to think about it if you have. And if you’ve never noticed it, your brain is probably used to just going to all those places, and you probably follow it and do the thing. I need more posts, okay, write more posts, right? I need more whatever, I need to film the videos, film the videos.

And if you aren’t used to catching it, then you probably are taking a lot of action from that place, even when absolutely nothing has gone wrong, absolutely nothing needs to actually be done. I would say this is where a lot of like burnout and hustle can come from, if you’re not on to yourself. Because it can sound like such a good idea, right? Oh, I’ve already hit the goal, this is amazing. Okay, now we need more videos, we need more of this, we need more of this.

Which again, sometimes that can be fine. But just really check in with, how am I feeling though? How am I feeling when I think about this? Is this the feeling that I want to be experiencing when I’m doing the things I’m about to do? And think about this for your clients, right? So it might not be a business goal, it might be some other type of goal. Guaranteed now that I have made you aware of this, you’re going to start noticing it.

And the first kind of flag to notice is when everything is going well, like when you have hit the goal or when your client has hit the goal, or when it’s you know, working perfectly and they’re like doing the thing and they’re on their way. And this comes up. Right? It’s different if you’re not hitting the goal and you do get in there and troubleshoot and, you know, okay, what do I need to look at here? What’s going on over here? Are all my links working? What did I forget to say? Right? Like that’s different.

What I’m talking about today is when things are going well. So I hope this was so helpful. I hope it made sense. I’ll go listen to it after it comes out. I don’t usually listen to my own podcast, but this might be one of those times just to be sure that I’m making sense. As I said, I’m pretty tired. But I really wanted to just share with you, first, so you just know, as always, I’m just totally human, human brain. Have all the thoughts, right?

My idea of being someone who’s really good at coaching yourself and being onto yourself isn’t that you never have thoughts like this or you never experience anything like this. It’s just that you notice it and know where to go with it. And that’s it, that’s all I wanted to tell you today. I hope it was helpful.

For those of you that have joined, I am so grateful. You have no idea. We are about to have the most amazing time together. I’m just so grateful, that’s it, and I’ll see you in the lab. Or if you haven’t joined and you’re just here listening, I’m so grateful for you too. And I will see you back here next week. Bye.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Mastering Coaching Skills. If you want to learn more about my work, come visit me at That’s Lindsay with an A, see you next week.

Hello, this is Lindsay Dotzlaf and you are listening to Mastering Coaching Skills, episode 72.

To really compete in the coaching industry, you have to be great at coaching. That’s why every week, I will be answering your questions, sharing my stories, and offering tips and advice so you can be the best at what you do. Let’s get to work.

Hey, coach. So today I’m doing something a little bit different. I am actually recording this episode almost exactly 24 hours after I have launched The Coach Lab. Which so many of you have joined, and messaged me, and all of the things, it’s so fun.

And something has kind of come up for me and happened for me over the last 24 hours that I wanted to share with you. And I wanted to record it in real time because I think it will be very different for you to just hear me talk about it when I’m kind of in a little bit of the emotion and in the space, versus talking about it later, which I’m sure I will more. But, you know, kind of talking about it later, like intellectually.

So I am going to share the experience that I’ve had over the last 24 hours. But I’m also going to tell you, just kind of show you how interesting it is;. How different it might be than what you are envisioning, and what you can learn from it for yourself and for your clients.

So if you’re a regular listener, and if you’ve been listening the past few weeks, you know from the time I’m recording this, yesterday I launched my brand new program, The Coach Lab. And what happened when I launched it was shocking, actually, to me.

Maybe it shouldn’t have been and a lot of people, and my coaches, my mentors, my friends, my colleagues, and my clients are like, “No, you should not be surprised by this.” But I was surprised. So anytime you launch something new, or create something new, or sell something new in your coaching business, usually you have a goal, right?

So every time, you know, when I launch a mastermind, I always have like, okay, this is how many spots I have available, this would be the max, this is the goal, and I just have a plan. For this program it was a little different because it’s a lifetime program and because there’s no cap on how many people I could take, I knew there wasn’t a maximum. And for the first two days, there was a special. A founding member special if you joined in the first two days.

So I just picked a number of like maybe what I thought would like blow my mind and be so fun for the first two days of the launch. So the number that I just picked, with really no experience, right? Like, I’ve never sold anything like this before so I really had no idea.

So I know I’ve talked about this in the past, but just remember anytime you’re setting a goal in a situation like that, we really are just kind of making up a number, right? You just don’t have a lot of past evidence to use in order to set the goal.

So the number I picked was 50. And I just thought that would really blow my mind, that would be incredible. And yeah, we’re just going to say 50. And then after I set the goal, I didn’t feel super attached to it because, again, I had no idea. Right? So I even asked myself like, okay, what would I do if two people sign up? And I kind of explored that a little bit and just explored what do I still get to believe about myself?

I love to do this, like after I set a goal but before I go to do the thing, to do the launch, to just really explore like, “Okay, what am I going to make it mean, if I sign two clients? What am I going to make it mean i I sign 10? What will I make it mean if I hit the goal, if I sign 50? What will I make it mean if I sign 100 clients into the program?

So that was kind of how I set the goal and how I came about it. Feeling really good about it. So it launches, I send out an email, I do like one post on Instagram. And there are 50 clients within about the first two hours of it being live.

So first, that blew my mind, right? And of course, I was excited, I feel so grateful. Anyone that is listening that has joined, I’m so beyond grateful. Like you have no idea, my mind is blown. I’m so excited for the work we’re going to do together, so excited. I just am so excited for all of it. But of course, that’s how I was feeling, right?

I just saw sales start coming in. I would get an email, I use Kartra for my emails and for the portal, like that’s where I host all the videos and everything. And so Kartra would send me an email every time someone by. So, of course, at first I was kind of paying attention. But then I actually had to hop on a coaching call and so then I just kind of wasn’t paying attention.

And I got off the call and I did something and then I checked my email and I saw that like 30 people had already bought. Okay, mind blown, right? Then I kind of went to do something else, checked a little bit later, it was like 40, and then 50.

And then by the time I went to bed, so I believe the email went out in the afternoon, by the time I went to bed there were about 75 people enrolled. So now, in this moment, about 24 hours later, there are close to over 100. I don’t even know, I didn’t check right before I recorded.

But I want to tell you something that has happened for me over the past 24 hours. So at first, of course, I was excited, right, just as you would expect. Probably if you’re listening and you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t.” If you’ve never done something like that before and if you’re like, “Oh, I’m sure that that’s so amazing.” It was, I was so excited.

And then all these other emotions started to come. And this is why I want to share this with you, because I think a lot of times when we see other people doing things that we’ve never done, that we’re like, “Oh my gosh, that would be amazing,” right? Like selling to that many clients, making that amount of money, whatever that is, right?

When you’re just watching other people do it and you’re just not in that space yet but you know you want to be and you watch someone else. And you think like, “I can’t imagine what that would feel like.” This is why I want to share it, because you think, I’m sure, that it will only feel amazing, right? That it will only be positive emotion, that you will be excited, you will celebrate, party in the streets, whatever, toast some champagne, buy a fancy purse. But like whatever, right? However you celebrate.

And there was some of that, but between moments of excitement and gratitude, and really I had gratitude pretty much the whole time. But between the higher emotions like excitement and just all the amazing things I was feeling, then I started to feel overwhelmed. And then I started to feel kind of scared. And then I’d go back to excited and then I’d go and then I’d be overwhelmed again.

And what started happening that was so interesting, is I had planned to spend the time in the launch, I had everything prepared, most of everything prepared ahead of time. I had all the emails written, all the posts, all the stories, all the everything was handled. The community was ready to welcome all the coaches in.

All the coaches start coming into the community as we’re letting them in, approving them. Everyone is posting, it’s the most amazing thing. This is still available, by the way. If you didn’t join last week and you are interested, definitely go to the show notes, there will be a link there.

So all of this was happening, my emotions were up and down. And here’s what I noticed, when I went into, you know, for the launch, like I said, everything was prepared. So I thought what I was going to be doing, like spending my time doing was troubleshooting. Was like, okay, what didn’t I say? What are people’s objections? I could write a post about that, I could write an email about this, right?

Just kind of troubleshooting if needed. And if not, then just kind of go on about my regular life, enjoying my work, just living my life, right, being normal. And instead my brain started, so because I didn’t need to problem solve for why haven’t I hit the goal or how am I going to hit the goal? Or just like troubleshooting to be sure that I hit the goal, I didn’t need to do that. I surpassed it, I blew it out of the water. I actually am very close to hitting my goal for this program for the entire year.

So that’s just like, cross that off, right? Like that goal, met. What happened was instead of just sitting in the certainty, and the excitement, and the positive emotion, and just all of that, my brain started looking, because our brains are so good at finding the problems, right? Like our brains love to troubleshoot.

So my brain just started troubleshooting. Which means it started finding, okay, well, since that’s not a problem, what is the problem? Let’s find it. So for example, it went to, oh no, you know, as I’m watching all these people come in so many of you are coaches that I’ve never even met before. Which you have no idea, that just like grows my heart a million times. I’m so excited to get to know you.

But as I am seeing all of you come in, my brain went to like, “Oh no, these coaches don’t know me. And what does that mean? That means there should be 50 videos, 50 modules that they can watch right away.” Like they need more content, more content. Which is funny, like right now when I launched it, I think there are maybe 12 to 15 videos, I have so many more coming.

I have some that are already filmed that are going to be added. I have some that I plan to film. I had a very clear plan coming in, I felt amazing about it. I knew exactly why I wanted to do it that way. And there are one or two that it’s like, okay, I need to edit this, get it in as soon as possible. But outside of that I had not planned on adding a bunch of videos.

So my brain is just going to like, “Oh no, okay, we need to add all of this, we need to do this.” And then I noticed it, right? And I was like, “Okay, no, come back. Why do I think I need to do that?” I did some self-coaching, I examined all the reasons that I just told you, all the thoughts I was having.

And then it was like, “Okay, come back, brain. We’re fine, we’re here, we’re just going to sit here, we’re just going to feel uncomfortable.” And then it started doing other things, right? It started like, “Oh no, did I set the community guidelines the way that I really want them set up from the beginning?” So it went to like the community and like the problems that are going to be in the community. Which, of course, right now there aren’t any. Everyone in there is incredible, and amazing, and all the things.

And then I noticed it and I brought it back. And the point of this isn’t to just tell you all of the dread that I started feeling, but just to show you that this is what brains do. And I want you to think about this for yourself and for your clients. The situation, the circumstances might be totally different. The thing, the goal, whatever it is you’re working on or trying to achieve.

Just notice any time things are working and your brain wants to really like squirm out of that, right? Like, “Okay, things are working, what’s going wrong? Where’s the problem? Let me find it. Let me create problems and anticipate them.” Not in a smart way, right? But in very much a, there has to be a problem here, let me find it way.

So that started happening and my kind of solution after I noticed, has been one of the most uncomfortable and exhausting practices that I’ve probably done in my coaching career. That might not be true, because I know I was exhausted a lot in the beginning. But at least for a long time, even today, even as I record this, I feel, just I am drained, I have no energy.

It has been because my brain just keeps pulling me into like, “Oh no, this thing. Oh no, this thing.” And then I come back and I go to the group, and I look at all the amazing things. And I comment on all the posts and see all the celebrations. And then I feel amazing again, right?

And every time I direct my attention back to you, back to the people who have joined the program, of course, all these positive emotions come back. And then when I don’t pay as much attention and I stop kind of being in charge of what’s happening in my brain and in my body, it just like naturally wants to pull me in the direction of let’s find the thing. So of course, as soon as I noticed that, I just was like, Okay, this is what we’re doing for the next, you know, through the weekend, probably.

Friday is when the promotion ends, so as you’re listening to this it’s already over, it was last Friday. And that is when kind of the initial launch period ends, although, as I said, the program is still for sale. But until then, and probably through the weekend I’m just going to sit with it and just notice all the places my mind goes.

And I want to offer, and I want you to really think about this for you, like when has this happened for you and for your clients, right? And how can you offer to allow them to when everything is going well, but their brain and body are still saying like something’s wrong, to just notice and to sit in it and be able to constantly direct your mind back to, “No, everything is just as it’s supposed to be.”

But I really want to offer also, how do you know? Because you might be listening thinking, “Yeah, but you could record a couple of those videos. You could write some more posts.” For those of you that follow me on Instagram, I don’t post a ton. So you might see that and think like, “Yeah, but you could do more. Like why not? What’s the problem?”

And it’s not a problem, that could be great. I’m sure my business manager would love it if I wrote 20 posts and got them all to her and had them done for the next month. I’m sure she would love it. She would love nothing more, actually.

The problem with it, and how I know that I don’t want to do that is by the feeling, like the emotion I’m having when I’m thinking about doing it. So if I’m writing posts, and filming videos, editing videos, while feeling dread about this terrible made up thing that’s about to happen, what will happen?

It will affect all the things. It will affect the videos, it will affect the posts, right? Like anything I’m doing from that place, if I’m feeling dread, if I’m feeling overwhelm, even if I’m just like, I’m so exhausted but I really just want to film some videos. It wouldn’t make sense, right? it would affect the quality of the videos.

Now, I did decide to record this podcast and I loved my reasons, like I said at the beginning of the episode. But the difference here is, this is one podcast I’m sharing with you from a very vulnerable place. I’m telling you, I feel very tired. That’s very different than creating content that’s going into a lifetime program of like a bunch of videos not at all about what I’m talking about right now.

So that’s how you know. That’s how you can tell and be on to yourself. And if you’ve never noticed this before, what probably will happen is, I know this about myself and so I’m on to it, but if you have never noticed that you do this, I want you to think about it if you have. And if you’ve never noticed it, your brain is probably used to just going to all those places, and you probably follow it and do the thing. I need more posts, okay, write more posts, right? I need more whatever, I need to film the videos, film the videos.

And if you aren’t used to catching it, then you probably are taking a lot of action from that place, even when absolutely nothing has gone wrong, absolutely nothing needs to actually be done. I would say this is where a lot of like burnout and hustle can come from, if you’re not on to yourself. Because it can sound like such a good idea, right? Oh, I’ve already hit the goal, this is amazing. Okay, now we need more videos, we need more of this, we need more of this.

Which again, sometimes that can be fine. But just really check in with, how am I feeling though? How am I feeling when I think about this? Is this the feeling that I want to be experiencing when I’m doing the things I’m about to do? And think about this for your clients, right? So it might not be a business goal, it might be some other type of goal. Guaranteed now that I have made you aware of this, you’re going to start noticing it.

And the first kind of flag to notice is when everything is going well, like when you have hit the goal or when your client has hit the goal, or when it’s you know, working perfectly and they’re like doing the thing and they’re on their way. And this comes up. Right? It’s different if you’re not hitting the goal and you do get in there and troubleshoot and, you know, okay, what do I need to look at here? What’s going on over here? Are all my links working? What did I forget to say? Right? Like that’s different.

What I’m talking about today is when things are going well. So I hope this was so helpful. I hope it made sense. I’ll go listen to it after it comes out. I don’t usually listen to my own podcast, but this might be one of those times just to be sure that I’m making sense. As I said, I’m pretty tired. But I really wanted to just share with you, first, so you just know, as always, I’m just totally human, human brain. Have all the thoughts, right?

My idea of being someone who’s really good at coaching yourself and being onto yourself isn’t that you never have thoughts like this or you never experience anything like this. It’s just that you notice it and know where to go with it. And that’s it, that’s all I wanted to tell you today. I hope it was helpful.

For those of you that have joined, I am so grateful. You have no idea. We are about to have the most amazing time together. I’m just so grateful, that’s it, and I’ll see you in the lab. Or if you haven’t joined and you’re just here listening, I’m so grateful for you too. And I will see you back here next week. Bye.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Mastering Coaching Skills. If you want to learn more about my work, come visit me at That’s Lindsay with an A, see you next week.

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Hi I’m Lindsay!

I am a master certified coach, with certifications through the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School.

I turn your good coaching into a confidently great coaching experience and let your brilliance shine.

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