- Temetria McVea
- Life Coach
- Temetria is a life coach for single, midlife women. Her dream is to continually evolve and create an expansive life that she loves, and she is passionate about helping other women do the same. Coaching helped her realize that although she was okay and life was good, she was living a life of “shoulds” and was a major people-pleaser. She did a lot of personal exploration to decide what she wanted her life to look like and believed that she could make that happen. Now, she is on a mission to empower women to find the courage to imagine and pursue the big, bold dreams that lead to fulfilling and impactful lives while allowing them to feel seen and understood. She is dedicated to supporting women in embracing their uniqueness and sharing their invaluable gifts with the world.
- temetria@coachtemetria.com
- coachtemetria.com