Lindsay Dotzlaf

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Mastering Coaching Skills Lindsay Dotzlaf | Working as a Coach for Someone Else’s Business with Cynthia Jamieson

Ep #99: Working as a Coach for Someone Else’s Business with Cynthia Jamieson

So often, people want to start coaching so they can run their own businesses and work for themselves, but sometimes there’s an alternative route to coaching. It is also an option to work as a coach for someone else’s business, as this week’s guest chose to do.

Cynthia Jamieson is an executive coach who provides coaching services for career and leadership development, proactive mental health, and inclusion and belonging. Cynthia has been in The Coach Lab since I very first launched it, and she’s here this week to share her experience of coaching, and the biggest lessons and takeaways she has taken from The Coach Lab to help her on her journey.

Listen in this week as Cynthia shares her career journey, how she went from working in HR to coaching, and how she used what she learned in The Coach Lab to make the decision to leave her full-time job. Cynthia shares why building your own business isn’t the only route into coaching, her thoughts on getting started the way she has, and how working this way enables her to work with 50 clients a week.

September 19th through 23rd 2022, I am hosting a week-long training for all the coaches out there who want to learn how to show up as the best possible coach for their clients, and it’s totally free. Click here to sign up.

To celebrate episode 100 of the podcast, I’m going to be answering any questions you have whatsoever about coaching, business, life, or anything else. You can ask me your questions by clicking here. All questions are welcome and I’m answering as many as I can in a few weeks.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why Cynthia works with 50 clients a week and how she does it.
  • What made Cynthia decide to join The Coach Lab and what she’s learned from it.
  • One of the most beautiful aspects of coaching for someone else.
  • What affects Cynthia’s coaching and ability to grow as a coach.
  • How she used my decision-making process to make one of the biggest decisions in her life.
  • What is different about the way Cynthia works versus if she was working for her own business.
  • The importance of feedback and how it can improve your ability to show up as a coach.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • For even more resources on making your work as a coach and success for your clients easier, I’ve created a freebie just for you. All you have to do to get it is sign up to my email list at the bottom of the home page!
  • If you want to hone in on your personal coaching style and what makes you unique, The Coach Lab is for you! Applications are open, so come and join us!
  • Join the waitlist for Coaching Masters here!
  • Cynthia Jamieson: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

Full Episode Transcript:

Hi, this is Lindsay Dotzlaf and you are listening to Mastering Coaching Skills episode 99. What?

To really compete in the coaching industry, you have to be great at coaching. That’s why every week, I will be answering your questions, sharing my stories, and offering tips and advice so you can be the best at what you do. Let’s get to work.

Coach, today I have some things so fun for you. I am interviewing one of my clients, Cynthia Jamieson, and you are going to love it so much. First of all, she offers a perspective on coaching and on coaching business and just all the things that is very different than what I usually talk about here on the podcast.

Not necessarily different, like our approaches to coaching are the same, she is a client of mine. But by that I mean the structure of how she coaches, the structure of her business. I think it’s so fun to hear her experience, how she coaches her clients, how she works with clients.

And if you’re listening to this the day it comes out, we are on day two of Coach Week, which means you should be there learning and having fun with us. It is a weeklong free training, with workshops, trainings, coaching, all the things. A private community, everything.

And I really thought it would be so fun to have Cynthia come on and talk about her experience of being in The Coach Lab, which is the program that you can join if you are loving Coach Week and want more of my coaching, more of what I have to offer, more of what my community is.

Come join us in The Coach Lab. But if you’re not sure, take Cynthia’s word for it. And if you’re still not sure, come join us in Coach Week and just check out what we’re doing. We’re having a lot of fun. I mean, I’m recording this ahead of time but I’m just assuming we’re having a lot of fun. So get over there. All right, with no further ado, here is Cynthia.

Lindsay: Hello, I am so happy to have you here today. Can you take a second and just introduce yourself, tell everybody who you are and what you do?

Cynthia: Yes, I would just first say hello, I’m very happy to be here as well. Thank you for the invitation to be with you here today. I am Cynthia Jamieson, I’m an executive coach and I love working with all of the humans that come and choose me as their coach.

Lindsay: I love it, I’m so glad you could be here today. Before we started recording we were just chatting about some of the things that we could talk about. And I think one thing that is very interesting about you, you have recently been in my world, you joined The Coach Lab, and actually in my new mastermind that just started of Coaching Masters.

And one thing I love about you is that I remember, I have a very distinct memory and I didn’t tell you this. But I have a very distinct memory of you posting in one of the groups, I think it was in The Coach Lab. I don’t even remember what the post was about, all I remember is that you said something like I work with 40 clients a week, or something like that.

And my brain exploded I thought, what in the world is she talking about? Nobody works with 40 clients a week, this is a lot of clients. But since then I’ve learned a little more about you and about kind of how you work in the coaching industry. And I just thought it could be fun to share a little bit of that.

So tell us what is different about the way you work? Or what do you want to share about that? Why do you work with 40 clients a week?

Cynthia: So it might freak you out a little bit more to know that it’s 50.

Lindsay: Oh, 50, of course, great. 50 clients, no problem.

Cynthia: And so what’s different about me is I provide coaching services to an organization named BetterUp. And so what’s really cool about that is I don’t have to do any of the sales. I don’t have to do any of the marketing. I don’t have to be doing cold calls or anything like that.

And I wanted to coach, so I joined them. I would say it’s almost three years now. And I joined them and I was just doing coaching part time. And I really just loved the fact that these clients come to me and we just had so much fun coaching. And so I just wanted to do more of that.

And there’s lots behind how I got to where I am today. So today I do this full-time now and so I have the capacity and the ability to work with 50 clients. And they have different choices around coaching, how often, how long, those sorts of things. But I don’t see all 50 every week.

Lindsay: Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better.

Cynthia: I actually don’t think I could see all 50 every week.

Lindsay: How long are the sessions that you do with the clients? I’m still so intrigued by this.

Cynthia: So as a participant of the program we call them members, I call them clients, they have two options. They have 30 minutes weekly, or they have 45 minutes every other week.

Lindsay: Okay, so that makes a little more sense, that helps me wrap my head around how you can work with so many clients at a time. But I just thought it was important to talk about this because I think that there are so many coaches who have learned how to coach somewhere, some way, and they think the only route from there is to build their own business.

I know you and I have chatted a little bit about maybe that is something that’s in your future. But tell me what are your thoughts about getting started the way you have?

Cynthia: Oh, my thoughts about getting started were just when I first came across coaching I was so, I guess I would define it as I’ve had two love affairs with my career. The first one was in HR and I loved my career. I’ve always felt very grateful to have been called to do the work that I do and I had fallen into it. It just happened and I loved it.

And then I got introduced to coaching. And when I decided to go down that path, it ended up being that I was like in this tension all the time between the two loves that I had, and which one was going to win out for me. I had an opportunity to put my application forward with BetterUp.

And I did the whole process, I got hired, I started working with them. And I just wanted to be able to coach people. Like to be able to take them to spaces and places that they would not have gone otherwise was so incredibly powerful.

And I just feel so grateful to be able to witness that transformation, the awareness, the growth, from where they began to where they are. And it’s just been so fulfilling that just the love for coaching won out over the love for HR.

Lindsay: So let’s dig into that a little bit because you told me, right before we started, you told me a story about joining The Coach Lab and kind of a big decision that you made at the exact same time. Same week, it sounds like the same, I think we’re pretty sure it’s the first week that The Coach Lab was open when I very first launched it. Tell me what you decided.

Cynthia: I decided to use your decision making process, which was from the podcast, to be able to make one of the largest decisions in my life which was to leave my full-time job.

Lindsay: And how hard was that for you?

Cynthia: That was so hard. It was so hard to leave it. On the one hand it was so hard to make the decision. And on the other hand I couldn’t not make it. It was as if I was in this moment in time where I was suspended and I could either choose myself, which meant coaching, or I could choose the organization that I was serving.

And I had helped clients choose themselves and trust themselves. And I was really sitting with my own question, which is what is it going to take for you to trust yourself? That you are called to do this work, that you do have what it takes, and that you can and already are changing lives, and how many more lives can you change if you say yes to this?

Lindsay: I just love that so much. It gives me chills when you say it. It is so powerful, especially that idea of you did this work. Like you were willing to take that step and really do it feeling however you were feeling, scared or whatever it was in the moment. And that of course, this is what you work with you so many of your clients with.

Cynthia: It’s so interesting to me that what’s in your way is your way.

Lindsay: Yes.

Cynthia: And so I just needed to be able to answer that for myself. And I know that I’ve heard this on your podcast before and I believe it and do the same work for myself. I never ask a client to do anything that I wouldn’t have gone first so that I can at least understand how it feels, what the outcomes are, what’s the process like, where can I get stuck, all of those sorts of things. So I needed to really do that for myself. And I’m so glad that I did.

Lindsay: And do you think it changed your coaching or the way you show up for your clients after? Because you were already working for them, you were already coaching part-time, right? And then you made that decision and now you’re coaching full-time with 50 clients. Do you think or how do you think maybe it changed your coaching?

Cynthia: It changed my coaching because, I believe that it changed my coaching and here’s why. I think that for me even how I talk about coaching, what I see as possible has opened up so much more then it had before.

It was there but I feel like, if I were to use an analogy, the flower had just started to open up. But now it’s standing there in all of its glory and all of its petals are out and able to just help pollinate so many more conversations.

Lindsay: What a beautiful analogy, I really love that. And what do you think, what has happened since you made that decision, for you personally?

Cynthia: What has happened? It’s interesting, because at first I was at 20 clients when I decided to leave my full-time job. And so then I was like, how many could I take? So I really had to play with how many clients I could manage. And that was interesting.

So I was like, okay, will I get five more? Will I get 10 more? And I just kept increasing my count and meeting all these new people. And so some of the challenges were it was really hard to remember all those people. So I really had to rely on myself and my process to be able to pick up and give them the attention and the time that they really deserve. And so that was a bit of a challenge.

And managing my own energy, because I’m really enthusiastic and I love to do this work. And so I’m like, “Of course I can help you. Of course I can meet you. Of course I can be set another appointment.” And I had to learn and I’m still learning, I’m still in that learning process of okay, at the end of the week when you are depleted, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, and still depleted, how do you really take your own advice and give yourself the time you need to fill up your internal cup?

Lindsay: This was so much of the work that I have had to do as well for myself, especially when I was taking one on one clients. And it was kind of the same thing, I could probably take one more, right? If someone needs help, of course I’m going to help them and I should. And there was a lot of that happening in my head and it felt so much harder to say no to that, than let’s say if I was sick and I knew I needed to rest or something like that, where it was just like very obvious versus no, but it felt like a good thing.

But I think just showing myself that always being depleted at the end of the week wasn’t beneficial to anyone, including my clients.

Cynthia: Absolutely. And it’s something that I’m still actively figuring out. I don’t have the full answer yet, but that’s okay.

Lindsay: Yes, of course.

Cynthia: I’m just figuring it out.

Lindsay: I am just so glad that you were willing to share this. And what’s funny is, and I’ll tell everybody listening, is that I didn’t actually know, I knew that you had a different structure. And I was pretty sure that you were contracted or at least part of your coaching was for someone else. And I just love that you were willing to share this because I think one of, and you can let me know what you think about this.

But one of my thoughts is that when you’re a newer coach, and I’ve just had so many clients say to me, would you ever consider working for someone else, coaching for someone else? And I’ve had so many clients say, “Oh no, I don’t want to do that because I want to start my own business. That’s where the excitement is and the all of that.” I don’t know if that’s how they would say it, but just for whatever reason they’re thinking, no, I definitely just want my own business.

But one thing I think is so beautiful about coaching for someone else is not having to focus so much on the business side of things while you get so much amazing experience coaching clients.

Cynthia: Absolutely. And I have to say, if there would be a way that I myself could work with the types of clients, amount of clients, stories, businesses that this organization can bring to me, I’m sure I would say yes to that. The reality is, I have so much exposure to fantastic organizations who really care for their employees, who really want them to have the service, and I would never get to meet them otherwise.

And it’s expanded my world so much. And I’m just incredibly grateful for that opportunity. Like when I think about I’ve been coaching for six years. And in the first three years it took me three years to get 100 hours. And I also was coaching internally at the organization that I was working with. So I would progress a little bit.

But this has given me the ability to really dive in, get to know coaching, get to know the tools that I use, get really clear on my process, get really clear on what I can help them with. And it’s really whatever they bring. So it’s, almost to a degree, when you started with I coach a client on anything, it’s almost like that with the caveat of it’s really focusing on leadership, right?

And these are leaders who are working in organizations that are leading themselves and teams toward the execution of being successful from the company’s standpoint. And I just wouldn’t have had the access to those clients as an individual.

Lindsay: And what do you think about, and if you don’t want to answer this we can definitely edit it out. I’m just curious because I’m having a memory of you bringing this for coaching, where you are getting feedback. It’s not your own business, you’re getting feedback from the company from the clients who you’re working with. How do you think that affects your coaching and your ability to grow as a coach?

Cynthia: It totally affects my ability to coach. It affected my ability to coach, it’s interesting because my main thought about it all is, if I’m just in the container with the client, nothing else matters. And that’s the thought that I hold for myself all the time. I believe that if I’m with them, I’m giving value to them, that’s all that matters. Everything else will just take care of itself. And that includes payments, it includes all of that sort of stuff.

And so with an introduction of a survey where they get to give feedback, it was a little bit interesting for me to get used to that. Because when I get the feedback, of course, then it changes how you think about how you show up. And so for me being able to get coaching on that was really critical and key, and gave me so much. Because now what I do with that is I used my own coaching process to discern what I could do about this feedback.

I don’t like to be the person who’s always saying after every session, now remember the feedback survey, remember the feedback. And so I do that when I have a new client. I do it when they do give me feedback, I thank them for their feedback. And I take the feedback and just gather what is it that I could do differently? And that just keeps me sharpening my skills more and more.

And so the more I can put the thought of any metric aside, interestingly enough, the better the feedback is.

Lindsay: So good. Oh my gosh, yes. And I was wondering if that was the case, because interesting, I think I’ve heard so many coaches and actually, as we’re recording this, the podcast isn’t out yet. But the podcast that’s coming out the week before this will be out is about these like secret fears and how we’re just so afraid to address them, right?

I don’t ask my clients for feedback, or I don’t check in on their results because I’m afraid that it’s not going well. Or because I’m afraid it’s not working or what they’re going to say. And for you, you were just thrown into the situation where you didn’t really have a choice, just here’s the feedback.

Cynthia: Here’s the feedback. And the other piece is, for me, like I always at the end of every session I always ask my clients, my members, what are you taking away from here? What did you learn here? How will you apply it elsewhere? I always ask them that. And getting the feedback, what’s interesting about that is there’s just so much more that they share there.

Lindsay: Just asking them to take what they’re learning and just even in their mind in that moment, apply it to different areas of their life and to just even have that second to think about it.

Cynthia: And I’m also very grateful for the feedback and I let them know this. Like if you’re comfortable sharing this feedback with me, because they get a choice, they can share it or not. Meaning they can share it and I don’t see it, or they can share it and the company sees it. And so I say if you could gift that to me, that’s how I grow. And if I don’t know, I can’t grow.

Lindsay: So powerful. That is very brave as a coach. I am positive that so many people listening right now are thinking, oh my gosh, no, there’s no way that I would want feedback from my client after each session or after, I don’t know how often they do it. But yeah, it’s just interesting to think about how that probably helps you build your skill very quickly and build your self-trust and your ability to show up as the coach.

Cynthia: Absolutely. And they get the opportunity to do it after every session. And I’ve created, because I’m running my own business, a spreadsheet where I track it. I know who says what and I know what they say, and I just keep it for myself because it’s like my own performance review, right?

Lindsay: Love it.

Cynthia: So when I get to be a year I could imagine actually myself, I should make a note about this, to go and just sit with my performance feedback and say, “Okay, so now what’s next?”

Lindsay: Oh, that’s great. That’s your HR background coming through.

Cynthia: That’s a great idea.

Lindsay: Everybody should do this. Listen, even if I think, and I’m curious what you would think about this, but my thought is even if you’re not getting, first of all, we’re all getting feedback in some way from our clients, right? Whether they’re saying it to us in sessions or wherever it’s happening, or even if they’re coming unhappy or not getting results, we’re always getting feedback.

But even if you’re not getting it like you are, right, which is a very specific way, I think doing this review, which is like the evaluation process that I teach, can be really powerful. Instead of avoiding it and thinking, no I don’t want to see the places where I’m not nailing it or where I’m not maybe doing my best work, to lean into it and be honest with yourself.

Cynthia: I love knowing where I’m not doing my best work because it just gives me another opportunity to be able to decide.

Lindsay: Yes.

Cynthia: Okay, so what am I going to do about that? Because I know, and I think most humans would know. And sometimes most humans, myself included, can tell myself a story that may not be true because I haven’t gotten inside of the feedback to look at it objectively.

So for me, it’s around, sometimes when you hear hard feedback you have to sit and say, okay, I get to decide now what I make that mean.

Lindsay: Yep.

Cynthia: And it could just be feedback. And in the HR world we say this all the time, feedback is a gift, and you can re-gift it.

Lindsay: Oh, that’s good. I love that.

Cynthia: You get to decide, do you want to open that gift right now? Do you want to open it later? Do you want to put it in the cupboard and shut the door on it? You can do that too.

Lindsay: Yeah, I will say some of my biggest transformations, like looking back over the years I’ve been coaching, probably some of my biggest transformations are the times where I’ve really self-reflected and made some big changes within what I’m doing is when I’ve either had very specific feedback that maybe was very uncomfortable.

Or where I just noticed a trend of, oh, why did I have these couple of clients that didn’t really work out, or we weren’t a good fit, or whatever it was. Like for me to really be able to examine that and say, okay, I could go lay in my bed and cry or whatever. And maybe I did that. I’m not going to lie, I’m human. And or I can look at this and say, okay, this is amazing feedback. How do I want to use it?

Cynthia: Absolutely. And I think what that brings up in me is there are some clients that come to me and part of the rating system, good is still good. Like 95% of the people that’s a good session. And what that has then translated for me as how can I make it better so that is not just good? And there’s nothing wrong with good.

Lindsay: Right.

Cynthia: There isn’t. But when I think about coaching and the effect it’s had on my life, and the effect that I see it have on other people’s lives, I want more than that for them. I want them to feel like this was really fantastic and I’m excited to come back, and I’m all in. And I want to meet my goals and do something else.

So I know, for me, one of the questions I ask my client when I’m first working with them and we’re just discussing their goals and they tell me what they want, and who they want to be and whatever timeframe that we have together. I ask them, what would be better than that? Tell me something that’s better than that so there’s something else a little bit more aspirational for them.

Lindsay: Okay, so all of this being said, so you’re coaching all of these clients, you’re contracting your coaching to this company, what made you decide to join The Coach Lab?

I do get this question every once awhile, people will email me or send me a message and say, I work for someone else, I coach for someone else. And they like tell me whatever their special situation is, is The Coach Lab still right for me? And I say, absolutely. But I’m curious, I think it would be interesting to hear from you, someone actually in that situation to talk about what made you decide to join.

Cynthia: Oh my gosh, there were so many things, so many reasons about why I decided to join. And so I guess first what I’d like to say is I remember at some point in the pandemic I was just going out for a walk and literally searched in podcasts coaching. And somehow you came up and somehow I just pressed play. And I have listened to every episode and some twice. And so that led me to you. So that was the first piece.

The second piece is when I was making this decision to leave my job and to embrace coaching full time. I knew that this was very individual work and I needed to have a community. I needed to have a place where I could go with like-minded people doing like-minded work so I could get inspired and find out how other people are doing it because there isn’t just one way.

And so I’m curious about how everybody else does it. And I love that it’s really a diverse group of people that come to The Coach Lab. And I think that if you’re a coach anywhere, and you get paid or you don’t, you can benefit from being in the lab.

You get the community, you get all of the benefits for joining The Coach Lab, and the relationships. I’m starting now to be able to give back to people in the lab.

Lindsay: Yes.

Cynthia: So it’s not just all about me and what do I want and what do I need? But how can I help someone else in their journey as well? It’s the pay it forward piece of it that’s really important for me as well. And I just love knowing that I have that community.

I have two coaching communities that I really enjoy for very different reasons. And I just love the fact that I can bring myself for coaching, that I have all of these amazing coaches around me and they will take time out of their day, and respond to my question. Because that’s who they are as coaches.

Lindsay: I really believe within the coaching world, and I know I’ve talked about this, I’m sure I’ve talked about it on the podcast. But within the coaching world it’s very easy to get kind of, I don’t want to say sucked into, but very focused, right? Very focused on one style of coaching, on one maybe community or group or wherever you learned to coach.

Which I think is great. There are many benefits to that, which is really getting great at what you do, and at this type of coaching that you’re learning. And I think sometimes it can be, when you forget to look outside of that and just know there’s this whole world of coaching that might be a lot more diverse than what you’re even aware of. It’s one of my favorite things about The Coach Lab.

And that was intentional in the way I created it. But I’m so happy that it has turned out that way, just the diversity of all the different coaches and how they coach and how they approach things. And even just seeing like someone will post in the group for coaching and just seeing the different types of responses and the different ways people ask questions and coach, to me, is so powerful and one of the probably biggest values, I think, of the community.

Cynthia: Absolutely. Absolutely, I couldn’t agree with you more. And I think about, because I know you are US based.

Lindsay: Yes.

Cynthia: And I’m over here in Canada.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Cynthia: And I think about my coaching school and what a missed opportunity it was for them to have created something similar, even just from the number of graduates that go through the program. It would have been an amazing container to create.

However, back to the lab, I think that seeing the different ways people coach, if you are really going to be great, you have to look at other ways of doing things and be willing to explore them.

Try it, it’s almost what do you have to lose? You can try a concept, try a technique, try it on. It’s like anything else, if you don’t like it you don’t have to wear it every day.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Cynthia: But you can at least try it and then maybe you come across something that’s a little bit more your style. Like just folding in all of the things that makes you and what you bring to the container, because that’s what a client gets, is all of the books you read, all of the podcasts you’ve listened to, all of the people you surround yourself with, your history.

And also just being able to know it’s okay, like the way their mind works, the way their brain works, what results they want. They have to find their way. And what a beautiful way to offer that is just by being open and allowing all of those things.

Lindsay: Yes. What would you say, so you’ve been in The Coach Lab since I very first launched it, I believe is what we decided, in March. What would you say have been some of your biggest takeaways or your biggest learnings?

Cynthia: Biggest takeaways and biggest learnings. I feel as though this is true, but I’d be happy to take any feedback. I feel that we are all, regardless of your journey, we are all struggling with something and we are all working through something. We don’t all have it completely figured out. And so knowing that was a really big takeaway because, at least for me, I live in my head a lot. My husband tells me I do.

Lindsay: Me too.

Cynthia: So to come out of my head and see that there’s other people that are thinking like me and they have the same obstacles in front of me. And really, to be able to come together and solve them with some input from others to challenge your thinking a little bit more than you might have. I don’t feel there’s a price tag you could put on that for the value that you get.

I really don’t because you might be asked, as you said, five different sets of questions from five other coaches with five different perspectives. And you get to take all of that and just discern what out of all of that is right for you and what do you want to do about it?

So I’m not sure I’m really answering your question clearly, other than to say the perspective is so much better. The ability to have an impact is much higher because there’s a place for me to go and bring my question, my offer, my process, and have other people say, have you thought about this? Have you thought about that? What if you added this? Or what if your question from your clients is this, how will you answer it?

That’s a really great place to go and learn all of those things before I put it in the world. Lindsay: And so after being in The Coach Lab for, I don’t know, several months I think the timeline would be, you decided to join Coaching Masters, which is my six month mastermind. And for anyone listening who’s not in these spaces, The Coach Lab is a program, it’s a lifetime program, it is open always. You can come anytime, stay forever.

Coaching Masters is a little different. It is my mastermind where I teach coaching mastery, we focus a little more on your specific processes. It’s six months long.

What made you decide, okay, now I need to be in this other space as well?

Cynthia: I love that you ask this question so much. Because when I made the decision to leave my full-time job, I just wanted to coach. That’s all I wanted to do. I just wanted to do all of this work all of the time, until I started doing all the work all of the time. And then I was like, oh, what’s next? Surely there’s something else.

And so these possibilities started to show up for me. And I had multiple possibilities to consider, but I chose Coaching Masters because I really wanted to get clear on my skill and what I bring to my clients, wherever they are in the world.

And I knew that putting myself in that container was going to give me access to really brilliant coaches who have been there and who have done that, that I can learn from. And so it’s another container of knowledge and skill building that I wouldn’t have been in otherwise. And since I’ve been in the lab even more possibilities are showing up for me.

Now I feel like I need to go sit and say, okay, what are the reasons that I would do X, Y, and Z, the next iteration of my business? Because they weren’t even in my awareness before.

Lindsay: I love that. What do you think, I don’t know if you even have an answer for this, but I’m just curious and people might be curious that are listening. What do you think is next for you as far as your business goes?

Cynthia: I think that what’s next for me, as far as my business goes, is creating an offer. I have two in my mind and I have to decide which one I love most, because that’s how I make decisions these days.

Lindsay: Good.

Cynthia: And I have to decide whether or not I will continue to work with one on ones outside of the contracting. I think I’d like to bring myself and my coaching up another level and create something a little bit bigger, a little bit more impact, a little bit more widely available.

With technology the way that it is, it doesn’t have to be in person, it doesn’t have to be all of the things that we used to think it did. We’ve all had to challenge ourselves to do things differently and I think that we could look at that and say, oh, that’s maybe smaller than I want. But I’m looking at it going you know what, this is actually giving me the ability to go as widely as I want.

So I have thoughts on a podcast, and I have thoughts on a mastermind.

Lindsay: I cannot wait to see both. I can’t wait to see what you choose, what you do first, what you decide to do, because no matter what it is I know it’s going to be amazing.

Cynthia: Thank you for that. And I know it will be because I’m going to be in the container to create it.

Lindsay: That’s right. I love it. Okay, is there anything else that we haven’t touched on that you want to add before we finish up?

Cynthia: I would say that if you are a coach out there and you have been on the fence, stop being on the fence, come inside The Coach Lab. Join us there. Get access to, not only Lindsay’s great coaching, but the other coaches that also have a lot of really great techniques, talents, gifts abilities, for you to spend some time with. Even if it’s sort of once a week for our calls or on the page.

I can’t imagine why you would say no, why you would still be on the fence, lifetime access and all of that. And I also would say that as coaches, we are all being called to change the world. And I think that means we have to step outside of our comfort zone and really challenge ourselves to become great and to continue to become great and be okay with that, that we’re never done.

Lindsay: So powerful. Thank you for sharing that. So if anyone is listening and they want to find you, they’re inspired by what you’re talking about today or just want to come see what you’re doing, follow you, where would they find you? Tell them everything.

Cynthia: You can find me on LinkedIn, so Cynthia Jamieson. You can also find me on Instagram, Cynthia Jamieson Coach. Those are the places that I am, that I hang out the most. One’s a little bit more that’s where my client hangs out, and the other one is a little bit more that’s where I hang out.

Lindsay: So LinkedIn is probably where most of your clients hang out.

Cynthia: Most of the clients hang out, yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah, that’s so interesting. I love, I just love it when, I know that a lot of coaches do hang out on LinkedIn. And I, at least in this moment, do not. And I just love hearing that. I just love for everyone to really know that there are just so many different ways, so many different spaces to be, just all of it instead of just there’s this one way, it’s the right way and this is how we all must do it. I’m grateful that you shared that.

Cynthia: There’s any way that suits you and whatever you do to find out where your client is. But it took me a while, that’s actually a takeaway from The Coach Lab because I wasn’t in that space. I was afraid to go in that space somehow, which just seems crazy.

Lindsay: Interesting.

Cynthia: But I had to work through my thoughts about that and why I wasn’t there. And it had a lot to do with my full-time job.

Lindsay: That makes sense.

Cynthia: So once I dealt with all of that, then I was able to go and be there.

Lindsay: Okay.

Cynthia: Because that’s where they hang out.

Lindsay: All right, I love it. Thank you for sharing. And we will link all of that up in the show notes. If they want to come find you, they can. I’m so grateful for you. I’m so grateful that you are here today and I’ll see you later.

Cynthia: Thank you so much. So much gratitude for you, Lindsay.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Mastering Coaching Skills. If you want to learn more about my work, come visit me at That’s Lindsay with an A, see you next week.

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Hi I’m Lindsay!

I am a master certified coach, with certifications through the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School.

I turn your good coaching into a confidently great coaching experience and let your brilliance shine.

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