Build Confidence, Improve Your Coaching, Find Community, and Have Fun Doing It

Join me for 5 days of live coaching, workshops, and real-time feedback – all designed to help you grow your confidence and show up strong for every client that hires you.



Build Confidence, Improve Your Coaching, Find Community, and Have Fun Doing It

Join me for 5 days of live coaching, workshops, and real-time feedback – all designed to help you grow your confidence and show up strong for every client that hires you.

・Mark Your Calendar・28 oCOTBER - 1 NOVEMBER・Save the Date・

What is Coach Week?

If you’re like most coaches, you are here because you love helping and you believe in the power of coaching, BUT when it comes to the day to day of working with your clients sometimes you feel a little unsure, or wonder if there is room for improvement.

Or maybe you know you’re a great coach, but are always looking for tips on how to be just a tad better.

That’s exactly why I created Coach Week.

And it has been such a hit the last 2 years, we are doing it again!

This 5-day experience is designed to help you build your confidence, sharpen your skills, and walk away feeling more in control and empowered in your coaching practice. You’ll learn real, actionable strategies and techniques that will not only improve how you coach, but will also help you show up for your clients with confidence and clarity.

Whether you’re a brand-new coach or have been in the game for a while, Coach Week is going to give you the tools, feedback, and community support you’ve been craving.

What You’ll Get During Coach Week:

Besides a fresh perspective, new skills, and feeling reinvigorated, join us to experience:

・Mark Your Calendar・28 oCOTBER - 1 NOVEMBER・Save the Date・

What You’ll Learn (Event Breakdown)

Here’s what you can expect during Coach Week:


DAY 1: Welcome & Intentions

An introduction to Coach Week. In this welcome video, you’ll learn how to set your intention, show up for yourself, and fully participate in our community. Whether you’re joining live or catching the replays, this week is all about giving you the tools, support, and clarity you need to grow as a coach.


DAY 2: Workshops and Coaching

12pm ET: What is Coaching, Why Does it Work, and How is it Different from Teaching, Mentoring, or Consulting?
Get clear on the true essence of coaching, why it’s effective, and when to blend in mentoring, teaching, or consulting in your sessions.

2pm ET: Your Coaching Process
Learn how to build a coaching process that aligns with your unique style and helps your clients achieve deeper transformation.



10:30am ET: How to Coach Like…YOU
Learn how to create a coaching structure and style that feels authentic to you, so you can confidently guide your clients without second-guessing.

2pm ET: Evaluations for You and Your Clients
Discover how to use evaluations to continuously improve your coaching and help your clients achieve better results.


DAY 4: Open coaching

2pm ET: Open Coaching
Bring your coaching challenges and questions—this is your time to get real-time feedback and guidance on anything you need support with.

4pm ET: Q+A plus Coach Lab Info
Get all your questions answered about coaching, your practice, and learn more about The Coach Lab and how it can support your growth.


DAY 5: Celebrations

Join us as we celebrate your growth, reflect on your biggest takeaways from the week, and answer any final questions before we close out Coach Week.

2pm ET: Exclusive Welcome Party for New Coach Lab Members
If you join The Coach Lab this week, you’ll get an invite to a special call where we’ll celebrate your wins, dive into your next steps, and you can ask me anything. It’s the perfect way to start your journey in The Coach Lab with a clear plan to move forward!

Upgrade: The Expanded Experience

You’re all in, no dabbling. Ready for full immersion. Want the most out of Coach Week. If that sounds like you, upgrade to the Coach Week Expanded Experience and get everything in the regular schedule, PLUS an additional workshop/coaching each day, PLUS added bonuses:

Tuesday 10/29 4pm ET Workshop: Niche Audit: Every coach has a niche (yes, EVEN IF you are a general life coach). Come to this session to learn how to think differently about your niche, find the perfect words so it rolls off your tongue, and fully embrace the type of coach you are. 

Wednesday 10/30 4pm ET Workshop: The Business of Coaching: This small group workshop will dive into the business side of running your coaching practice. We will talk a little strategy, and dive into all of the coaching you are looking for.

Thursday 10/31 noon ET Coaching: Join in for the weekly Coach Lab (a lifetime access Foundational Coaching program) coaching hosted by Lindsay. Bring your coaching requests, sit back and absorb what current members are getting coached on, and see what the community is like in real time.

Access to the 5-episode private podcast: The Coach Lab Biz Remix, where you learn how to mix your love of coaching skills with the marketing and selling side of growing a coaching practice.

(And the best part? If you decide to join The Coach Lab before Wednesday, Nov 6th, your $99 will be fully refunded!)

Hi, I'm Lindsay - Your Coach

I’m a master certified coach with certifications from the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School. After years of trainings, certifications, and hands-on coaching, I’ve learned something important: it’s not just about having the right tools.

Don’t get me wrong—tools are great. But the real impact comes when you understand how to use them in a way that’s authentic to you and your style. You don’t need another certification to be an amazing coach—you need confidence in the tools you already have and a clear understanding of how to make them work for you.

When I first started coaching, I spent time trying to follow what others were doing, thinking that was the key to success. But the real shift happened when I stopped trying to fit into someone else’s mold and started coaching from my own strengths. That’s when everything fell into place, and I started seeing the results I wanted for my clients—and myself.

Now, I want to help you do the same. It’s time to take what you already know and make it work for you in a way that feels right for you and your clients.

Choose Your Coach Week Experience

Free Coach Week Access



The Expanded Experience



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Save Your Spot Now

Coach Week is your opportunity to finally feel confident, clear, and in control of your coaching practice. You’ll walk away with practical tools, real strategies, and the support you need to become the coach you’ve always wanted to be.