CEO Series

Mindset and Strategy for Aligned Growth

Access my free 5-part series to find your passion and build a thriving, aligned practice

Do you ever feel like you’re great at coaching, and you love what you do - but something about your business feels overwhelming or unaligned?

Maybe your marketing feels forced, sales are inconsistent, you have a hard time keeping up with your schedule, or the excitement that once fueled your work is slipping away.

Or maybe things are going great-ish, but you know they could be better and you aren’t quite sure how to get where you want to go?

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many experienced coaches like you find themselves stuck—great at helping clients but unsure how to translate that into a thriving, sustainable business that reflects their passion and values.

Who This Series is For:

The Struggles You Might Be Facing:


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the business side of coaching?

Marketing, sales, and business decisions can feel like a constant uphill battle, draining the passion you once had for your work.


Do you find yourself searching for the “right” way

to do business, constantly second-guessing your decisions and relying too much on others’ advice?


Have you lost the excitement you once had?

Your business no longer feels like a special interest, and you’re struggling to maintain focus and energy.


Is your confidence in your ability to run a successful business wavering?

You have great ideas, but bringing them to life feels daunting and unmanageable.

Your business, your way: transform your coaching business with clarity and alignment

Claiming Your CEO Power

Learning how to step up as CEO and remember why you’re here could be the piece that changes everything. It’s time to take control of your business decisions in order to align them with everything that makes you unique. 

Making Confident Decisions

Knowing your values and how they translate into running your business is imperative. This is what will make your business more fun and more aligned to who you are and how you deliver for your clients.

Expanding Beyond Coaching

Expanding your network outside of the coach bubble is CRUCIAL for business growth. No matter what kind of coach you are and who your clients are – you will learn the many reasons you want to surround yourself with a broad array of humans.

Igniting Your Passion

You got here because you love coaching and helping your clients, but sometimes coaching yourself can turn into a weapon. Learn how to stop using your coaching tools against yourself and use them for good instead, creating a business that you feel even more in love with everyday.

Embracing Non-Linear Growth

At some point you learned that growth can only go in one direction and there’s no room for a pause or adjustment. Well, that’s just not true. And over time this stretch for exponential growth can leave you feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. It’s time to learn a different way.

Imagine waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose, knowing that your business aligns with your values and passions. Picture yourself confidently making decisions that move your business forward, with marketing and sales that feel natural and authentic.

It’s time to step into your role as the CEO of your coaching business and create something that truly reflects who you are and how you like to work.

meet your coach

Hey, I’m Lindsay Dotzlaf.

I’m so happy you’re here.

A Master Certified Coach with certifications through the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School and 9 years of experience running a coaching business. I’ve been where you are—struggling to connect my passion for coaching with the demands of running a business. Over the years, I’ve learned that the key to a successful coaching practice isn’t about finding the “right” way to do things. It’s about stepping into your role as CEO and building a business that aligns with your unique strengths, vision, and values.

I created this series because I’ve seen too many talented coaches lose their way or feel confused (OR build quite successful businesses that they don’t love), overwhelmed by the noise of advice and disconnected from their own awareness. My goal is to help you reclaim your power, trust your instincts, and create a business that you love.

Are you ready to claim your seat as the CEO of your coaching business and create a practice that truly reflects who you are?

meet your coach

Hey, I’m Lindsay Dotzlaf.

I’m so happy you’re here.

A Master Certified Coach with certifications through the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching and The Life Coach School and 9 years of experience running a coaching business. I’ve been where you are—struggling to connect my passion for coaching with the demands of running a business. Over the years, I’ve learned that the key to a successful coaching practice isn’t about finding the “right” way to do things. It’s about stepping into your role as CEO and building a business that aligns with your unique strengths, vision, and values.

I created this series because I’ve seen too many talented coaches lose their way or feel confused (OR build quite successful businesses that they don’t love), overwhelmed by the noise of advice and disconnected from their own awareness. My goal is to help you reclaim your power, trust your instincts, and create a business that you love.

Are you ready to claim your seat as the CEO of your coaching business and create a practice that truly reflects who you are?



Download the CEO series and dig in to strategies that will fuel your passion and create growth today.

By the end of this series

[Download the Free Series Now]

  • Gain the clarity and confidence you need to lead your business with purpose.
  • Learn to make aligned decisions that bring joy and fulfillment back into your work.

Don’t spend another day feeling disconnected from the business you worked so hard to build. This is your opportunity to connect deeper with your passion, work with clients who value your expertise, and lead your business with confidence.

It’s time to take the first step towards transforming your coaching business into something you truly love.